Winter Wonderland part: 1

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"OMG",said Natalie as she ate breakfast one Friday morning,"it's only 9 days 'till christmas". Vic rolled her eyes,"We know and yesterday it was 10 days and tomorrow 8".  "I know right",said natalie as she put her plate in the sink. "You know just get through the last day of school and then you can worry about christmas". "Hey", said Natalie as she looked around,"we haven't put up our christmas tree or anything". Her mom giggled,"Yes honey good observation, but you have been so busy counting the days 'till christmas that you forgot to remind your dad and I to get the decorations from the attic. Natalie put her hand over her face,"Oh right we'll do it after school k?". Her mom giggled once more,"Ok honey now hurry the bus will be here soon". Both girls kissed their mom and dad and then put on their coats, hats, scarfs and mittens,and then rushed off. As they ran both with presents in their, hands they felt the rush of the cold winter air. It was really cold and they hoped that it would snow so they would be able to go to the woods and ice skate. They sat down in their usual spot and Josh sat in his. "You ready for christmas vacation", asked Natalie. "Yup it's my first winter here".  "I know and we have to show you everything you can do here", said Vic. "Yup you can go sledding and skiing". "And ice-skating ooo and you can make a snowman and have the annual big snowball fight", said Vic. Josh chuckled,"Sounds like fun, but what is the annual snowball fight?" Vic and Natalie looked at each other,"Oh you'll see in one week". They arrived at school and put all the scarfs, coats,hats, and mittens, along with the presents in their lockers and headed for first period. Every period moved super slowly. Or at least that's how everyone felt on the last day of school. At lunch everyone was chatting when someone yelled,"Hey look everyone it's snowing". Everyone looked outside to confirm it and..."He's right", someone else said,"come on". Everyone rushed outside including Natalie, Josh and Vic. People started to play and have snowball fights. Then the same kid who first saw the snow said,"Hey if it's snowing then you guys know that it's finally time for...". Everyone yelled,"The big annual snowball fight". "Remember same teams, the red team and the blue team". Everyone cheered. "Wait", a voice said and everyone stopped cheering. "I don't have a team". The boy walked up to him,"Don't worry,um Josh right?". Josh nodded. "Don't worry Josh you'll be in the team old Ian was in". Suddenly a group of people started to rush towards him and crowded him as the chanted. "Wooohooo, Josh you're in our team", said Natalie and Victoria. The boy said,"Yup and I'm your captain". Then he faced everyone,"Ok get with your team and we'll meet at the forest at 4:00pm to recall the rules and blue team", he said with a competitive voice,"bring the trophy". Everyone cheered and Josh and Vic went back inside. Vic shivered. "Here you can borrow my jacket", he said as they walked to the lockers. Vic giggled,"Natalie loves when it snows". Josh chuckled,"Yeah I noticed". Each opened their locker and exchanged gifts. ''I couldn't wait".  Josh smiled,"Me neither". They eached opened their present and smiled. "How is it that you always know what I want", said Josh ashe put on his new watch. "Yeah you too", Vic responded as she put on her necklace. "But wait there's more", he said opening the necklace,"it's  locket so you can put three pictures. oh and I put mine there so you would remember me". She looked at it and then frowned,"Josh I'm sorry". He smiled,"Sorry for what?" "I'm sorry for what happened at the party. I didn't invite Ian on purpose and I want you to know that I love you not him, and that all he said was a lie and that..". He kissed her in the cheek and Vic immediately blushed, "That is a really nice way of telling me to shut up". Josh smiled,"Look, about Ian it's been a month and I'm over that ok I love you and know you too well to know you would do that so don't worry ok". Vic nodded and suddenly remembered something,"Oh and on another note they will give you your team jersey this afternoon before the fight"."Jersey?" "Yes jersey we take these things seriously". Josh chuckled,"I noticed,  but are there other competitions". "Yup there's a ice skating competition and a sledding competition and snowman building competition, oh and a best decorated house or tree competition". Josh looked stunned. Vic giggle, "Don't worry you'll receive the schedule". "Schedule?" The bell rang. Vic grabbed her books and nodded,"Chuck will leave you the schedule with the time, place, and day everything is. He's the captain of our team and the planner of everything". Then she rushed to her class,"See you in class". The day went fast and everyone rushed home, even students rushed the bus driver so they would arrive faster. Vic, Natalie and Josh finally arrived and before Natalie was going to speed down the sidewalk Vic grabbed her arm. "Hey! I want to get home". Vic rolled her eyes and grabbed tight, then looked at Josh,"We'll pick you up so we can walk together to the woods k? Oh and just bring a hat and a scarf and some mittens because you don't wanna be too carried". She smiled and then let go of Natalie and ran after her sister. When they got home Natalie rushed home."Hi mom can we eat I am really busy today lot's of stuff to do so I need to eat quick, where's the food? I really am in a hurry...". Her mom stuff a piece of bread in her mouth. "Put the table along with your sister while I serve you dinner". Natalie and Vic zoomed through their dinner,thanked their mom, and then put on their jersey's along with their coats, mitten, gloves and scarfs and ran o Josh's house to pick him up. "Josh open up it's 4:30 and the fight starts in half an hour we're going to be late for the team meet". Josh's mother opened the door. "Oh hi Mrs.Jones we were just looking for Josh". Mrs Jones smiled,"Oh yes he told me about the snowball fight come in girls". As they walked in, Katie and Sally rushed towards them. "Natalie, Victoria", they both said and hugged him. "Vic wanna play dolls{". "Nat do you wanna play soccer". The girls felt bad that they couldn't,"No katie I'm sorry we just came to pick up josh but I promise I'll come by to play with you k?" "Yeah Sally I promise I will come to pay a little one on one". The girls nodded and then Katie whispered in Vic's ear,"Is it true that Joshie and you are girlfriend and boyfriend". Vic chuckled and whispered back,"Yes". Katie giggled,"Good because I don't trust any other girls but you two". They both giggled and Josh finally came down. They all said goodbye and then they sped to the forest. "Their you are it's 10 minutes 'till the fight where were you", said Chuck. "Sorry but someone wouldn't  hurry up", said Natalie as she looked at Josh. "Just cause you're new  I'm going to let you off the hook. Now let's get planning, ok now you Veronica are going to be at the base with Jerry and Belinda taking care of the flag., so you're the keepers. Me, Natalie, Victoria and Josh will go for the flag which makes us the grabbers and Angela, Regina, Daniel and Alexander will be the defenders. This is the game plan and so find the initial of your name and that will be your starting position and code red position got it?" Everyone nodded and then a horn blew which meant the game would start in 30 seconds. "Starting positions", yelled Chuck. "And remember if you get hit stay on the floor until the horn is blown stating the game has ended". Josh whispered to Vic,"Let's do this". The horn blew and everyone ran,except the keepers,. "Pair up", yelled Chuck. Josh and Vic joined and yelled,"Right". "Chuck yelled,"Left", and then both him and Natalie went to the left. Vic heard footsteps. -gasp- She pulled Josh and hid behind the trees. "Prepare two snowballs", she whispered. "Roger", he whispered back. "Ready... aim... fire". They threw the snowballs and both kids fell to the ground. "Yes", they whispered and kept running. Natalie and Chuck ran and then they heard footsteps. -gasp- They separated and his behind two trees. They prepared two snowballs and waited. They were the top two of their team. "Ready, use strategy number 45"."Roger", said Natalie and waited. "Ready...aim...FIRE". They threw the snowballs and hit perfectly the two kids who fell to the ground. With a high five the ran to meet with Josh and Vic before capturing the flag.--- "Over here", half whispered Josh. They all joined,"Ok now they have five keepers and were four so this is what we're going to do. Vic since you throw fairly good you'll get Christina. Josh we can risk it and I still don't know how good you are so you'll take Bob. Natalie you have a hard mission. You will throw one ball at Cecilia then save the other. I will take Camila and then both of us will aim for the toughest of them all Eric.". Natalie swallowed hard. "You gotta concentrate. We're all going to throw the ball at the same time and then you and me have to throw the other one at Eric.  We only have one chance or they'll see us and we'll have to run for it.". Chuck took a deep breath and started to count backwards. "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six..". "Hey someone's there", Christina yelled. "Nevermind, one, go, go,go". They all threw and aimed perfectly. Then Natalie and Chucked aimed for Eric. Time stopped and Natalie and Chuck took a deep breath. They aimed and hoped for the best. Eric prepared to block and he...................................BLOCKED IT! Natalie and Chuck were about to run when four snowballs passed them. 3 were blocked but Eric didn't see one and BOOM! It hit him. (This next scene please imagine them moving at the pace of sloths with a hint faster)Natalie and Chucked jumped of Joy and grabbed the flag they hugged each other for a moment then started to run. Chuck spotted a pearson aiming towards Natalie,  who had the flag,. "Nooooooooooooo". He jumepd and received the hit. Fell and Natalie yelled,"Noooooooooo Chuck".They kept running then Natalie saw a person aiming a Vic. "Vic watch out". She ran and put her body in front of hers and and fell. Vic yelled,"Naaaaaaat", grabbed the flag and kept running. Josh and her ran. Vic ran and then......recieved a hit. She threw the flag to Josh and said,"Take it home". He ran and kept running dodging the snowballs. He saw the base and ran. he ran and ran, and then he got home. They all celebrated and jumped. Hugged each other and cheered. The horn blew and Vic, Chuck and Natalie came to hug Josh. "We won honeybunny". He kissed her in the cheek and they hugged. "Whoo hoo". Eric gave the the trophy to Josh and everyone carried him chanting,"Josh". "Josh you brought the flag home so you keep the trophy this year. Everyone cheered and chanted. "Remember that tomorrow start the competitions", said Chuck," sign ups will be tomorrow at lunch and the first contest is snowman making same time got it and the schedules. They all walked out of the forest chanting and carrying Josh and the trophy. 

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