Training Hard part:2

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The next morning the alarm went off at 7:00am and both girls got up...well one girl got up. Vic showered got dressed and started to eat breakfast when she heard her sister walk down the stairs. -yawn- "Good morning everybody". Vic rolled her eyes, "Sis get ready we're leaving in 15 minutes to meet up with Josh and Caleb at Block Park". -yawn-"Yeah okay be right back". 10 minutes later Natalie cam in shorts a t-shirt and a ponytail. She sat down in front of Vic and poured herself a bowl of cereal. In that moment the girls mom came down and sat in between them while drinking her coffee. "Ooooh I see that you girls must be going to Block Park am I right". Vic smiled, "Yeah we're meeting up with Josh and his little brother". "Well you're dressed up", said her mom looking at Vic. She was right for Vic was wearing tights with a neon shirt and a sweater. and had a ponytail with a bow. Natalie laughed with some cereal in her mouth,"Yeah she just wants to impress Josh ooooo". Vic blushed,"Stop that it's not true I'm just excited that today I'm going to be back on my feet". The girls finished their breakfast both girls grabbed their bags filled with equipment and headed towards Block Park. Both girls loved blok park because it had every single spots area you could imagine. It had an area for basketball, soccer, football, track and field, baseball, archery, horse derby racing , a driving range (golf) and even a big swimming pool. The sister's themselves hadn't seen the whole park yet and besides they couldn't understand why it was called Block Park when they knew it was definitely more that one block.but they didn't have time to think about that because both were going to train. When they met up with Josh and Caleb everyone made a plan. "Okay so the soccer and baseball field are pretty close and so is the track so don't worry at 12 we'll meet back here and eat lunch after we'll train more and at 2:00pm we'll head home got it", said Josh. Everyone nodded and headed in different directions. 

*note please know that the P.O.V's will be first person but only the P.O.V's

Victoria's P.O.V:

While I walked to the track I wondered how bad in shape I would be. I didn't know what to expect but finally when I got to the field I totally forgot about it.I set down my things and warmed up. Then I started some basic exercises like running up and down the bleachers that they had. I was tired fast but I kept going until I couldn't carry myself. I sat on one of the bleachers and checked my watch. I did the math. I started at 8:30 and it was 9:15 so... You know what I didn't care so I drank a little water and kept going for a little more. 15 minutes later I stopped the bleachers and decided it was time to get real. I thought that the only way to know how much I needed to work was to see how long it took to run one lap. After taking a little break I got up and waited 'till I saw the clock turn to 9:35. It was like time had stopped those few seconds and I was transported back to my last race; to my last run when I last had the wind in my face.Then I ran, I ran like there was no tomorrow. I ran so fast I felt like my heart was going to pop out my chest any second. I saw my "finish line" and ran even faster until I made it and I immediately checked the clock, I smiled, it marked 9:37 with 28 seconds. Two minutes I screamed. I jumped as I would gasp for air. I drank water and wiped off my sweat as I got ready for another round. I had the whole morning to run, and that was exactly what I would do. Later I would put the hurdles but for now I just wanted to run. Ready for another round I told myself.

Natalie's P.O.V:

While I walked holding the soccer ball I wondered two things: I wondered about what my sister was doing and I wondered if this year I was going to become team captain. I'm I am totally qualified to be team captain. Right? I doesn't matter since tryouts aren't in like a month. When I got there I saw that many people decided to train because it was full.Uhhhh. I found a spot to set my stuff down and get ready. I put on my soccer shoes and started warming up. I remembered that Vic would always climb the bleachers so I started there. After doing that for a while I did some other drills that we normally do in practice. I thought that that was enough drills and warm up so I grabbed my ball and headed towards an empty goal.I started to kick the ball into the goal many times and but I needed a real game. The it was like God had heard me because I heard a boys yell,"We're having a game anyone who wants to play come on". I hid my ball in a bush and ran to get a penny. Yes this was my chance to show myself and these fellas what Natalie can do. Watch out boys here I come. 

Josh's P.O.V:

I don't know what to think. My little bro is not the best but I think he can actually make the league. He skipped all the way and when we finally got there he was like a cricket ready to hop around. I decided to start with pitching. Caleb grabbed the bat and walked to the base. I took a breath and threw the ball. He missed and he missed and he missed and finally when he was about to give up he hit it like I'd never seen him hit before. He looked at me and I looked at him until yelled and told him to run.He dropped the bat and ran. I never wanted to see him stop. he ran and ran and then I realized that I had to run too. I ran and spotted the ball. Wow that was far, I thought. I ran and catched the ball and when I yelled stop my little brother was in the third base! the third base! I ran to him and hugged him. We laughed and smiled.I told him to go again and that what he just did was what he had to do the day of tryouts. We high fived and I grabbed the ball to pitch it again.

Calebs P.O.V:

My brother and I walked except that well I skipped. To be honest I was nervous because I don't have much time to practice. I don't even think I'll make the league. I've seen my neighbor Jimmy pitch and hit and he's amazing.He'll definitely make the team this year, as for me well maybe but I don't know. When we got there I just wanted to get this over with but I'm pretty sure Josh thought I was excited. I was super glad that he was pitching because I hate pitching. I could have sworn I tried my hardest but I just couldn't hit a holy ball. I tried and it looked like my brother and I were ready to throw the towel he threw the ball and suddenly my arms went before my brain and I hit but not in a dream I actually hit it. I was shocked I couldn't move until I heard my brother say move! I dropped the bat and ran with all my might. I felt so alive and I thought I can never stop.My brother didn't move but before I could yellhe began to run. We both ran and when the magic word STOP came in through my ears I threw myself and covered myself with dirt. I looked at my position and I was in...third base! Third Base! I jumped and screamed and my brother hugged me. He told me that's how I had to hit and i was sure that the next one I was going give a home run.  


The gang decided to eat at Bob's Burgers since it wasn't so far. They walked as they talked about their day. "Hey so same time tomorrow", said Vic. They laughed, "Oh Vic".  

The life of Natalie and Victoria: the seventh grade talesWhere stories live. Discover now