First Date (again)

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Natalie walked nervously beside Eugene which provided her an umbrella for the sun (Like those sowed ones that fancy people use). Eugen walked pleasantly observing his surroundings. "So do you know much about here", he asked."Know, oh am a genius on everything around here. You know if people payed for tours I would be the first hired for the job". He chuckled,"Well then after our lunch I would like one tour for Eugene please". They laughed and finally arrived at everyone's favorite hangout spot in the forest. Over the years more and more people came here so the engineering team build a picnic table and the art team painted it. That's where they were. Eugene set their basket and pushed a button. Immediately the table was covered by a tablecloth and two plates were set, along with utensils and cups. "Ta-da", he said."Wow", said Nat, as she's never seen anything like that. Then Eugene pressed another button which placed some asparagus, corn, fried chicken and mashed potatoes in each plate. Then served some lemonade with sparkling water and a straw. "You like". "I love", she said as she digged in,"Mmmm, this is great". "I'm glad you like it". Eugene knew that Natalie had a thing for him but he didn't. He felt bad so that's why she agreed to go out, the only problem is that he started to like her but at the same time Vic. Soon after lunch Eugene was about to press the button, "Wait I know that you might not be familiar with this but whenever we eat and use any dishes we always go wash them in the river". Eugene looked confused,"It's really fun once you start, I promise". Eugene smiled,"Ok then let's go then". They carried the plates and walked to the river. "Ok where's the soap". "Right here",Natalie said placing the dishes on the floor and running to a bush. She took a container full of soap and a bucket. "OK so first we fill the bucket and put in a little bit of soap". Eugene looked a little confused,"Um well see..this is embarrassing since I don't know how to wash the dishes". Natalie was shocked , but didn't mind teaching. They finished washing and set them out to dry. They sat there and watched the river in silence until Eugene broke the silence. "Natalie, you know I am actually having fun". Natalie couldn't believe it, she was so exited to see what happened next. "Great, I am too, but how 'bout I take you on that tour I promised". He stood up,"I was hoping you'd say that". He smiled, Natalie wasn't such a bad person. "Although I gotta warn ya were gonna walk a lot", Natalie said, and started to put away the dishes. "Is that a challenge", he said, and helped her. While doing that, a bell rang, a bike bell and out of nowhere, Josh appeared with a bicycle for two."Did anyone order a bicycle for two". Natalie turned and looked at Eugene, also did he,"No", they both said. "Well too bad once you order you gotta use it so , adios amigos".Josh sped out and left the bicycle. Natalie then immediately who was up to this, Victoria. "Well i guess your in luck, because now you only have to pedal", she said as she put on her helmet. Eugene just looked at her and the bike. "What,don't tell me you don't know how to ride a bike", she said. "No, no of course not I was just waiting". Natalie giggled,"Well stop waiting and hop on". Eugene walked towards the bike,"Right, right ok now let's do this". He put on his helmet and struggled on to the bike. They both started on the bike, away from the woods and into town. "Good afternoon and welcome to Natalie tours where we will show you every spot in town, guaranteed". The sun was high and winter was in the middle with January in the spotlight. "Our first spot is where we came from, the famous Lakewood Forest,known to be a center spot for Lakeside middle school students". Eugene chuckled. They pedaled on. "And now on your right is the public library opened very day, even Sunday's because the librarian always knows we need the computers to finished last minute homework". The tour continued with phrases like,"And to your left is Pedro's Pizzeria, my sister and my favorite pizza place". Or,"Oh and over there is the arcade, over there the skating rink, and finally, central park". They kept pedaling when Natalie yelled, "Wait, I almost forgot, everyone's favorite ice cream parlor, Ice cream palace". "How 'bout we get an ice cream". Natalie blushed,"Ok the let's go". They parked the bike and walked in. Samantha, the employee always gave them a free cone one day a week. Thankfully, Natalie hadn't come this week so they both received one free cone. They sat on the sidewalk eating their ice- cream in silence. This time Natalie, broke the silence. She needed to know,"Eugene, you are a great guy, but I need to you like Victoria". Eugene didn't answer.

Eugene's P.O.V:

I do like Victoria, I have to say but after today I learned that Natalie isn't so bad. I'm dealing with a twin problem. I have to choose one of them, now. 

Natalie awaited an answer,"Because you do know that she has a boyfriend". Eugene's heart sank, he knew what he had to do. "Of course, I knew that Victoria has a boyfriend, I only think of her as a friend". Natalie felt relieved but decided to not tell Victoria. "I like you Natalie". Natalie felt like jumping of joy, but she could do that later.

Eugene's P.O.V:

I mean it's true I like her....but as a friend. I think after a while I learn to like her after a while....I hope.

Natalie and Eugene finished their Ice-cream and rode to his house. "Bye Eugene thank you for everything". "Bye Natalie see you soon". Natalie walked home wanting to ride off for ever in that bike. She remembered to return it and after went home. 

The life of Natalie and Victoria: the seventh grade talesWhere stories live. Discover now