Helping Out

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"Natalie, natalie wait don't shut the door", yelled Vic as she chased her up the stairs. Natalie rolled her eyes,"Um what?" Vic grabbed her breath then continued,"Ok one please get rid of your attitude,It's not you and second if you wanna win Eugene over then please let me help you". "And how do I know you're just playing with me". "I'm not please trust me. Now go in the shower while I pick your clothes out". Natalie said nothing and went inside while vic looked in her closet. "Um...", she said to herself," I think I'll look in mine". Once she picked something out she went to the walk in closet and got out her makeup kit and hair things and placed it by the bathroom. Natalie finished and she gave him the clothes,"Isn't this yours". "Yes but were the same size so hurry up". Once finished she put a chair by the mirror and sat her down. "Now stay still because I gotta warn you beauty hurts and pay attention on how i use makeup because what you did yesterday was a....", she stopped when she saw her sisters look and started on her hair. She finished making a braid with flowers between she put on some blush and lip gloss. "There you can see it but not from a block away", she said giggling. Natalie giggled which Vic knew meant they were good. Then Vic got herself ready and both headed towards Mr. Eugene's house. "Now let me do the talking and no matter what he said follow the plan". Natalie noded. When the finally arrived the butler, as always, appeared and smiled,"Why hello there again girls I remember each of you very clearly but I never thought you had a relation. "We are sister", said Vic. "Yes I see that now may I ask you the reason of your presence". "Um we would like to speak to Eugene". "Your wish is my command I will be right back, please come in". "Thank you",they said. Eugene walked down the huge stairs and was delighted to see.....Victoria. "Vic my dear how are you this fine morning". "I'm doing just fine but I came to introduce you to my sister Natalie". His expression looked impressed,"I had no idea Nat and you were sisters". "Do we really not look alike", whispered Natalie. Vic just gave her a quick look and then continued,"You see I think that you and her would be good friends and since I think you have a lot in common and I set up a spot in the forest for you two to get to know each other and...". "Um see I..". Vic used her puppy eyes and Eugene couldn't resist the cuteness,"Oh you know I just remembered I'm completely free so let me change and we'll be off". Natalie nodded and waited until Eugene was away to explode into happiness. "OMG your the best i can't believe we're going on a date and and ....". "Woah calm down and hear me. Stay cool and be yourself it's the only way he'll start to like you". She took a deep breath,"Ok be myself and stay cool". Eugene came back,"Shall we", he said as he held out his arm. Natalie giggled softly and blushed waved at Vic and was gone. "Have fun", Vic said and waved back. As she was walking home Vic found Josh with a 2 person bike.  He rang the bell,"Hi girlfriend". Vic giggled and kissed him on the cheek,"Hi boyfriend". "Hop on let's go for a ride". "Ok then I have a lot to tell you"."Really about what". "Natalie has a crushie wushie". "Really that's a first". They laughed and rode off, Vic wondering how Natalie's day was going. 

The life of Natalie and Victoria: the seventh grade talesWhere stories live. Discover now