2.) Dylan

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"Stupid mudblood!"

I keep my head down, trying to ignore them, even if the comments sting. I'm not a mudblood, but I can't give them my last name either. I just let them think what they want.

Draco Malfoy stands there akwardly. We were so close.... and then his father....

I tremble. My stomach twists as I walk away. His father ruined me. Because my own father..... my father....

I wipe the fear off my cheek. My life isn't a normal one. How can it be?

My father is Voldemort.


Hermione runs up, holding her books close.

"Hey, 'Mione. What's up?"

"Have you spoken to Harry yet?"

"Not since yesterday."

"Ooh! Great! I get to tell you then!"

"Hermione, tell me what?"

"Dumbledore said you can join Gryffendor quidditch! Harry placed you as seeker!"

I smile. "Really?"

"Yes!" she giggles. "Let's see Slytherin beat the Gryffendor princess!"

I raise my brow. "You forget I'm also Slytherin."

"Oh, must we call you that?" Hermione asks, watching me carfully. "We all know you have a heart of gold, not stone."

"Hey, they're not all bad. Even Draco has a heart. A good heart."

"Malfoy? A good heart? Have you hit your head, Dyl?" She rests a palm on my forehead. "Draco Malfoy has been nothing but cold to you. Knowing him, he'll probably only ever be nice to you to get you into his bed. They call him sexgod, you know."

I shrug. "Rumors are rumors. They also say I'm a slut. Do you see me walking around, barely covered? Bringing boys into my bedroom?"

She flushes. "No, I don't. But I know some of them girls he slept with!"

"And several guys I supposedly slept with. Hermione, think. Please. Draco isn't that bad. He just has a terrible family." Like me. But mine is worse.

"Your uncle is Snape, and you aren't that bad."

I shrug. "I also had not grown up with Uncle. He was away often. And the Malfoys just.... I didn't see them much." I lie smoothly.


"Hermione, we're late."

"Oh!" She grabs my arm, and rushes me to Uncle Snape's class. The one with the Slytherins.

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