11.) Dylan

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I pace my room.

I have to tell Draco.

I have to tell him who my father is, I have to tell him what his father has done to me. What every single Death Eater has done to me. What my father has done to me.

I jump as strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey, beautiful."

"Draco-" He kisses my neck, and I can't help but laugh. The stubble! It tickles!

"Shush, I've been wanting to do this since I let you go on the train." He kisses my neck again, then my shoulder, my ear and my cheek.

"Draco, we need to talk."

He sighs, letting me go. "We do. I have something to tell you."

"So do I."

He takes my hand, and we sit on my bed.

"You first."

"Alright." He takes a deep breath, and rolls up his sleeve.

I scream, and jump off the bed so fast that I fall. I end up cowering on the floor.


"Don't you dare touch me! I swear to Godric I will hurt you!" I scream, tears streaming my face as my body shakes. "Don't!"

"Dylan," he pleas, his hands in the air as he staps back. "What's going on? I... I joined because I know I can protect you better if I was with them. I know they're after you."

I continue to cry. "What have they told you?!" I yell, looking up at him.

"Nothing. Just that if I can, convince you to go to the dark lord. But I'm not. Why are you so scared to them?"

"Voldemort is my father!" I sob. "He wants to kill me, because I'm stronger than he! I'm the unwanted horocrux, the one he never ment to have!"

Now I can't tell him the rest... I can't do that. Maybe he'll let me take that stupid mark off his arm...

"Dylan, what did they do to you?"

I shake my head. "I'm not ready to talk about it. Lemme be."

He drops to his knees. "Dylan, I am not them. I am yours. I will never, ever, ever hurt you in any way. I'm only marked so I can protect you. But if you can't trust me, whatever they did to you... I will leave and protect you from a distance."

I slowly crawl to him, and he greatfully takes me into his arms. He just sits there, rocking me, letting me cry... he breathes into my hair, and rocks.

I cry. I cry hard, and for a long time.

How can i tell you every Death Eater has raped and abused me, besides my Uncle and you? How can I tell you what your very father did to me? How can I show you the scars that don't show on my body? Draco, I love you... but how long can I stay with you and cause you pain?

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