25.) Dylan

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Not this time.

Still keeping my wand up, holding back Voldemort's magic back, I stand. I hear Ron, Hermione, and Luna. I can hear Neville. I watch my friend, so shy and soft before, bravely kill the snake I've hated all my life. Draco, now only a few feet away, pulls his own wand. Harry joins me.

"You don't have to do this alone, Dyl!" Harry calls to me.

I nod. "Help!" I call to my friends. I know that my father won't call to the others. I know it.  "Hermione! Ron! Harry! Nev! Luna! Draco! Please! Do something!"

Harry's magic joins mine. Draco steps beside me, takes my hand in his, and I see his magic join in too. Hermione and Ron rush to help the others, to defeat the Death Eaters.

I step forward, and continue walking. The guys stay behind me.

"Father," I say, my voice venom. "All my life I have feared you. Feared that you would hurt me, send someone to hurt me. Feared that you would harm my friends. Lately, I feared that you would harm the man I love. Now? I fear I will enjoy killing you. Because I know I will."

He glares at me. "Back down girl, and I will give him yo you."

"Give him to me? Father, you can't give draco to me. I am already his."

Voldemort snarls. I can feel my uncle's pride, even though he is no longer here.

I smile, dropping my wand. Everyone gasps, Draco yells my name in terror. The others' magic fades out, leaving me nose-to-n... well, nose-to-chest and he doeant have a nose.

"You are a bloody-"

"I'm everything you have to say and more. But you know what happened? All those times I was raped and beaten? I learned to be me. I learned to be something great."

"How did it feel? Being used?" He laughs.

I feel my whole body heat up, feel my eyes fade to red.

Voldemort collapses, then my world goes black.

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