3.) Draco

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Dylan looked so hurt. Her eyes looked dead. She looked at me with fear.

Have I done something?

I watch her now, doodling on her hand. That mudblood, Hermione, sits by her side, scribbling in a notebook.

"Draco, what are you staring at?"

"Shut your trap, Goyle!" I snarl.

Dylan smiles at Snape, who dips his head slighly. I forget that they are related. I've kept Dylan's secret for so long, I've started to forget. But I will never forget what she means to me.

"Malfoy, pay attention and stop staring at Dylan Hills!" Snape snaps.

The entire class looks at me, and half at Dylan. She freezes, pen poised to draw on her wrist. She doesn't look up, just flushes red.

"I wasn't staring..." I mutter.

"It was Hills, Granger, or Weasley. Or was it Potter?"

I mumble a reply, and sink into my chair.

Class resumes. Dylan relaxes a little, and finishes her drawing. She is an amazing artist, without the use of magic. She also writes the most amazing stories. And she is funny... sweet...


"Shut it, Crabb!"

"I was just warning you that your potion is going to exsplode."

I look down at the bubbling black goop. It's supposed to be a light, watery blue...

"Er.... DUCK!"

Everyone hits the floor as my kettle bursts, covering everything. I hear somone scream. I hope it's Potter, with his annoying girl voice.

When I look up, Dylan is holding her arm to her stomach, tears in her amazing blue eyes. The goop is sticking to her skin, and I can smell her flesh. She looks right at me. I see it, the pain and fear.

"Miss Hills-" Snape begins.

"I n-need a p-pass," she chokes out. "It's b-burning through my skin.... quick..." Her body shakes violently.

"I'll take her," I say, standing.

Snape eyes me. "Isn't this your mess, Mr. Malfoy?"

I grin. "Crabb's."

He glares at me, as does Crabb. I'll admit, since Dylan stopped hanging out with me, I have been a little more wild. A little more of a mess.

Snape nods. "Fine. Be quick about it."

Dylan is already racing down the hall when I get to the door. She falls to her knees about half way there.

I rush up to her. "Dylan?"

"I can't feel my legs, Draco," She whispers. "I can't move."

I scoop her up in my arms. "I got you. I always do."

She puts her uninjered arm around my neck as I run.

"Draco, you haven't spoken to me since the Sorting. I..."

"I never left. I just... Dyl, we can talk later, alright?" I set her down on the bed in the hospital wing, and call madam P. She shoos me away, and I sit in the hall.

Three hours later, Dylan walks out, smiling. "All better."

"I'm really sorry."

"I knew it was you, Malfoy. You, mister, are a terrible liar." She smiles, but I see it is a dead smile.

"Dyl? What happened to you?"

Her smile faulters. "A lot has changed. A lot can change in a year."

I study her. Her eyes are dead, with dark circles around them that she had hidden with makeup. Her smile is so fake...

I look at all the bracelets on her arm. "Dyl, what are those?"

She stuffs her hands into her pockets. "Nothing."

The bell rings, signaling the end of the last class. Dylan goes to walk away, but I grab her.

"Dylan, what are you hiding? We were best friends."

"Then I was sorted and you haven't spoken to me in over a year!"

"Does Granger know? And Potter? Weasley? Do they all know more about you than I?" I snap, anger rising.

"Let me go. Why did I believe I could trust you again?" Her eyes brim with tears, and she tries to pull away.

I hold on to her, and I watch the bracelet fall off her tiny wrist and hit the floor.

Scars and cuts show on the pale skin over her wrist, angery tallies and reminders of her doubt. Scars over scars, layered on...

I look into her eyes, which are now filled with hatred and fear, and pain. So much pain.

"Happy now?" Dylan chokes.

"Do you cut? Please tell me no."

"You want to know me?" She snarls, ripping away from me. "I cut. My wrists, my legs. I purge. Everything I eat comes up. I cry myself to sleep every night," she chokes. I'm horrified. "I have tried to kill myself. Nobody else knows. If you tell, I will make sure you join Potter's parents. I swear, Malfoy."

She storms off, forcing the bracelet back on.

I just stand there, horrified and sick.

My best friend is killing herself. Cutting.... she cuts.... when did this start?

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