23.) Dylan

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Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, and myself go to find the horocruxes. Things go well besides the locket making Ron freak out and leave at one point (though he does return), and the mishap of being caught and then Doby dying (rest in peace, buddy- I'll remember you always).

Now we're back at school and Ginny is all over Harry, Ron and Hermione are being all sentimental. Draco is busy yelling at the Slytherins for being them, Luna and Neville are both busy. All of the teachers are busy hustling the students together and everyone is panicking over Voldemort's ongoing threats and promises.

I just trace my scars.

"Dylan?" Harry says.

"Hmm?" I just trace my fingers over my tattered wrist.

 "Are you ready? To fight him?" Harry asks, trying to catch my eye. "It's going to be hard."

"I know. I also know it was supposed to be you to fight him- or everyone thought it was. Harry, I'm sorry. I wish.... I wish this was different, I wish there was something I could change."

Draco joins us. "I really don't think you should go out there alone."

"Join us outside!" 

I shiver at my father's voice. 

We all gather at the door- the protection spells gone. The Death Eaters stand with my father.

"I will give you one chance to join us." His smile is mean, cruel, evil. 

All but a handful of Slytherins dart across no-mans-land, and several from other houses. Nobody from Gryffendor moves, and Draco stays firmly by my side. Lucius growls, Narcissa calls out, "Son- join us!"

I look at Draco.

"Dylan! Join your father!" Voldemort calls. "Come to me, my daughter- your mother would be dissapointed that you deny me."

Gasps burst out around me, and Draco gives my hand a squeeze. He just chose me over his parents.

"I will not join you," I call out, holding my head high. Beside me, Harry and Ron step closer, and Hermione takes my other hand. Ginny holds her head high, Neville takes Luna's hand, but keeps the sword of Gryffendor in his  other hand. "You are not my father- a father doesn't rape and beat his child."

Mummers run through those of us left at Hogwarts.

"Come here, NOW," Voldemort snarls. 

"No," I say boldly, pulling my wand out. 

Voldemort pulls his wand on me. "You will obey."

Draco steps forward, in front of me, with his wand raised. By the look on his face, he's going to kill him. Or try to.

"Leave Dylan alone."

"Move boy."

I feel my skin grow cold, the blood beneith it ice. I feel my mind enter Voldemort's as his lips twitch into a smile- I hear the curse, the word that didn't have to leave his lips. 

Avada Kadavera.

"NO!" I scream, shoving Draco out of the way. A blinding green light, then the feel of fire in my veins. I feel my back hit the wall, and the world goes black.

......I knew I wouldn't survive that curse a second time.....

Broken (A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz