12.) Draco

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Dylan's reaction to my mark was horrifying. I thought she was going to leave me. I'm only trying to keep her safe.... with the Dark Lord being her father.... now she needs me.

What did they do to her? Her own uncle?

I open the door to Snape's class.


"Come in, Draco," he says plainly. "Is this about Dylan once more?"

"Yes, but different."

"Sit." Snape puts his book down, and folds his fingers as I sit. "What is it?"

"Dylan told me who her father is."

"Does it frighten you?" he asks calmly.

"No. But I think.... alright, I know that the Death Eaters have done something to her. I want to know what. I know you are one.... I thought you'd know."

"Dylan's father terrifies her. I am not sure if the Death Eaters have done anything to her, but I will see about it."

"Would they tell you about it?"

"Why wouldn't they?" he asks.

"If they say nothing, could you make Dylan tell you?" I ask. "I can't get it out of her."

"No truth potion works on her, Draco. She'll tell you when she's good and ready."

"And whatever they're doing to her, what if they do it again?" I press. "What if she ends up dead?"

"With the promise you have made, I'm exspecting you to protect her from it."

I sigh. "Please work fast. I can't bare the thought of losing her... I honestly love her."

I get up, leaving Snape to do whatever it is he does.

Dylan, why must you drive me crazy?

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