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Ashes flew into the night sky as the sound of screaming people echoed throughout the village. Running and screaming the villagers scattered away trying to escape it.

" Its coming back!!" a panicked man screamed as he pointed to the sky. A large black dragon with gleaming blue eyes and enormous black wings soared from the clouds and landed in the village creating a huge gust of wind. The beast roared and fired a powerful stream of fire at the village instantly destroying a group of houses and any unfortunate villagers. A red haired man stared at the dragon with ferocity in his eyes and his fist bawled.

" Daisuke what do we do?!!" a panicked brown haired woman asked worriedly.

" Take Shiro and run as fast as you can into the forest"

" What about you?"

" I'll take care of that thing"

" What?!! you cant its too powerful"

" I think you're forgetting who you're talking to, i'm Daisuke Hirano and i'm not scared of a lizard with wings"

" But-"

The man reached in and hugged her tightly surprising the woman. She looked in his fiery red eyes and it somehow made her feel safe.

" It's ok, I know you're scared but we have to protect our son, you know how much potential he has"

" You're right" the woman said looking at a red haired boy sleeping in a cradle.

" Now go!!" the man ordered as the woman grabbed the baby and began running towards the forest. The beast roared loudly and fired another stream of fire that roasted more buildings.

" Where is the Volcano Dragon?!!!!" it roared.

" So that's what you're looking for Magalia?" Daisuke said from atop a large tower near the center of the burning village. The beast looked over to the man and smiled.

" Well, well, if it isn't the Dragon of Terra himself"

" Is that what people are calling me now? honestly I keep forgetting"

" Get out of here Daisuke, I have no interest in fighting you"

" Yeah but I have an interest in fighting you, I mean you come into my village and start attacking it, i'm sorry pal but as far as i'm concerned there is only one way of getting out of here, through me!!!"

" I have no time for this so I guess i'll make your death quick" the monster said firing a stream of fire towards the tower. Daisuke put his hand out in front of the him with a serious expression on his face. As soon as the fire hit his hand it began to deflect in other directions until all of it was gone.

" You'll have to do more than that if you want to stop me!!"

Daisuke charged at the dragon with his fists ready to strike. Getting in range of the target his fists erupted into fire with ashes emitting from them. " Dragon Punch!!" he shouted as he began rapidly punching the monster making it squeal in pain. The man jumped up to the creature's head and punched it ferociously. The monster roared and flicked him in the sky. He came down with his legs now on fire and kicking his opponent once reaching range. Daisuke landed back on the floor and stared at the beast who returned the glare. Smiling the man said " I can do this all day".

" Well I can't!!, I have more important things to do!!"

" Really? care filling me in?"

" Sorry but I can't explain to a corpse!!". The dragon blasted a powerful stream of black fire at his foe with the man dodging quickly in response. The monster kept firing the attack forcing Daisuke to pull back, charging up a spell while doing so. Once he reached a suitable distance he raised both of his hands into the sky and began radiating red lights from his body.

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