New Friends

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The girl wandered hopelessly around the large city of Ayor in search of the WyvernWing Guild. She walked through parks, libraries and even construction sites but unfortunately for her she was unable to locate the guild she seeked.

" Man this place is so big, i'll never be able to find them" Luna muttered as she walked.

" Gather around folks dont be shy!!" a man in a black shirt shouted from the side of the street. A few tourists walked over to him curiously grabbing Luna's attention.

I wonder what all that is about?

As the girl approached the man he saw him set up a small table with a large black orb sitting on a pedestal in the middle of it.

" Behold folks, I the Great Melmore can see the past, present and future with ease"

The crowd began chatting amongst themselves while Luna gave a doubtful look. Melmore caught the girl's glance and quickly intervened.

" How about I prove that i'm no liar by demonstrating my powers right now but i'll need a volunteer, how about you my dear?" the man said pointing at Luna.

" Me?"

" Yes you, trust me it'll be worth your while"

" Um sure" Luna replied walking over to the man.

" Place your hand on the orb" Melmore instructed. Luna did what she was told and shortly after her hand made contact with the orb it began giving off a purple glow that startled everyone including her.

" What's happening?"

" See for yourself" Melmore responded pointing to the orb. On the orb was a projection of Luna boarding the train that was heading to Aynor.

" Hey I remember that"

" You should, this is the exact memory you had a while ago"

" Really?"

" Wow that's incredible" a female tourist said.

" Hey can I try next buddy?" a male added.

" Of course, everyone can, with a small price of fifty gold of course"

Shiro and Sorch walked by and saw what was going on. With an uninterested expression on his face Shiro walked up to the crowd of people.

" Is he doing that thing where he shows you your memories?" he asked.

" Yeah so?" a man responded.

" Dont be fooled, he's using Memory Magic, its very easy to learn and its definetly not worth fifty gold"

" Wait what?"

" If that's the case i'm out of here" another tourist replied before leaving. After a few moments all the tourists left the spot.

" Wait come back!! don't listen to him he's-"

" Back at it again with your tricks Melmore?"

" Shiro, I should've known you'd be the one to rat me out"

" Hey your just lucky it was me who saw you and not Griffin"

" I guess that's true, anyways you wouldn't happen to want to see your future would you?"

" Get out of here Melmore"

" Whatever, your future was probably boring" the man said as he disappeared in black mist.

" My future is ten times better than your's pal!!" Shiro screamed at the fading mist. Luna walked up to the boy and his dragon rather confusedly.

" Um, excuse me"

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