Seth's Challenge

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Luna walked out of the guild and stretched, for she had just finished helping the rest of the members clean up the extreme battle with the pink dragon. Looking up at the sky she saw another blimp that was advertising the WyvernWing Guild. She began thinking about the magic that she had witnessed from Shiro and his friends and how powerful they were, the feeling intimidated her.

All of them are so strong, how can I compete with that?

" Phew, I can't say I don't love the monsters Master Sidney conjures up but can't she make one that can clean the guild?" Shiro said joining Luna outside. The girl did not respond which bothered her new friend. " Hey are you ok?".

" I'm fine, I was just admiring all of your magic back there"

" Oh yeah, I bet mine looked the coolest"

" All of you were amazing, in fact you're so amazing that I kind of feel jealous"

" Jealous?"

" Yeah, I mean i'm no where near as strong as you guys so how can I even call myself a member"

" You shouldn't beat yourself up over something like that"

" I know but still"

" Sounds like someone has the bad case of Magic Syndrome" Sorch said as he flew over to them.

" Magic Syndrome?"

" Yup, it's what us dragons call humans that feel as if they are weaker in comparison to another Mage"

" Wow that was oddly specific" Shiro admired.

" Us dragons also say that those who have Magic Syndrome are destined to fail" the creature continued resulting in Luna moping. The two looked at each other nervously before aiding their distraught friend.

" Sorch didn't mean it, right Sorch?"

" Um yeah, actually what I meant to say was that people with Magic Syndrome always succeed no matter how terrible they are- crap that came out wrong!!"

" It's ok guys I know i'm not strong" Luna responded with a chuckle.

" It doesn't matter if you're not strong, I'm sure you'll grow stronger and stronger if you keep practicing your Magic" Shiro responded proudly. Luna looked at the red haired boy and it some how gave her more confidence inside. " Come on let me walk you home" he said with a smile as Sorch climbed on his shoulder. The girl smiled and began walking to her apartment with Shiro and Sorch while a small hooded figure continued watching them from a roof.

* * *

The three walked through a small park where kids played and adults had picnics. Luna noticed how far they were from her apartment and made a loud sigh.

" Shiro I know i've only been in this city for a day but why do I get the feeling that you have absolutely no idea where you're going?"

" Of course I know where i'm going, on an unrelated note which way is east again?"

" The opposite of west"

" Thanks Sorch now can you tell me where west is?"

" The opposite of south"

" That doesn't make any sense!!"

I'm never going to get home with these two

" That's enough!!" a voice shouted from a tree.

" Did that tree just talk?" Shiro asked curiously walking over to it.

" Somehow I doubt that" Luna responded joining him. The small hooded figure jumped out from the treed and landed a small distance from the two.

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