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It's red eyes stared hungrily at the group of kids with drool pouring down its mouth and it's eye's twitching angrily. Luna stepped back while Shiro and Ciel stood in front of her in defensive positions ready to face the wyvern.

Wyverns are large dragon like creatures that inhabit cliffsides and dense forests. Unlike their ferocious dragon cousin's, wyverns lack intelligence and are more feral. Spending most of the time soaring the skies looking for a meal these creatures are ruthless adversaries that give even the most experienced Mages a run for their money

The creature shot a fireball at the blimp that created sparks as it flew. Shiro jumped up in the air and caught his fist on fire. " Dragon Punch!!" he roared while he punched the fireball directly causing it to blow up before hitting the blimp. He then shot his Volcano Dragon Breath at the creature successfully striking it in the chest. It flew back into the clouds as the boy roared victoriously.

" That's right and don't come back!!"

" We shouldn't celebrate too soon" Ciel said cautiously.

" He's right bro, wyverns usually travel in large groups"

" Please, if that thing had any sense he wouldn't dare show his face at us again". Suddenly more of the large creatures began shooting from the clouds until the blimp was completely surrounded by them.

" What did you say about him not coming back?!!"

" Shut it Frost Freak!!"

" Guys focus!!, we need to find a way to get out of here"

" Don't worry Luna, i'll defeat these things and then we can continue traveling to Padstow". Shiro then jumped on the railing and looked down. " Let's go Sorch!!".

" Right bro" the dragon said flying into the sky.

" Wait what about your fear of heights?" Luna asked.

" Well for some reason I don't mind when Sorch carries me, you can call it brotherly trust"

" But how can a little dragon like Sorch carry you?"

" You calling me fat or something?!!"

" No, it's just Sorch doesn't seem like the best mode of transportation"

" He's not a mode of transportation, he's my brother, honestly you just like offending everyone don't you?"

" No I-"

" You underestimate me Luna, trust me i'll be fine" the dragon said flying in the air.

" Ok ready little brother"

" Let's go!!". Taking a deep breath Shiro looked down, the blimp was high in the sky, in fact it was so high that the ground was barely visible.

" Its ok, its totally fine, just don't think about how high up you are, how hard can that be?- hang on im thinking of how high up I am right now!! why is this so complicated!!". The dragon looked at the boy think to himself and sighed impatiently.

" You coming bro?"

" Of .. of course I ... am"

" Then hurry up, these wyverns look hungry"

" Relax, I got this, ill go on three- no fifty, on the count of fifty ill-"

" Whoops". Shiro dropped from the railing and began free falling face first towards the ground at full speed. Ciel looked down at the plummeting boy with a smug smile on his face.

" Ill get you for this Ciel!!"

" What can I say, my hand slipped"

Well thats one way to get him off, I guess

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