Goblin Woods

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The tiny dragon carried his fiery friend in the air as they watched the now retreating goblins head back into their forest. Some however we're still entering which enraged Shiro.

" Fly me over there!!"

" Right"

The two flew in the area above the attackers who continued pillaging the small town. " Volcano Dragon Breath!!". The attack launched at the enemies and caused them to head back to the forest. Sorch flew the fire breathing Mage around the town resulting in the remaining goblins retreating.

" Looks like they're giving up"

" Yeah but we still need to get the message across, Sorch drop me". Shiro landed on the roof of a building and watched the creatures exit with caution in his eyes.

" Where are you idiots going?!!" a goblin shouted.

" I'm getting out of here!!"

" Yeah, that guy's too strong!!"

" You cowards!!, get back here and fight like the monsters you are!!"

Shiro shot a bright ball of fire in the air grabbing the attention of all them. " Listen up goblins!! I don't know why you wanted to attack the village and I don't care, I just hope that I make myself clear when I say that if I catch any of you nasty creeps here again i'll fry you all to a crisp, UNDERSTOOD!!". The monsters screamed in terror and retreated back to their forest. " I'll take that as a yes".

" Wow bro you sure know how to get the message across"

" It's a gift, let's just head back to Luna and the rest of them and explain what-". His eyes widened when he saw two of the creatures running back to the forest while carrying Luna in their arms. " Hey!! what the heck do you think you're doing!!".

" Crap we've been spotted, what do we do?"

" Stick to the plan, let's get out of here". The two increased their speed and began to disappear into the forest. " Get back here!!". The Mage darted off the building and ran at full speed towards the goblins. The creatures ran through thick bushes and climbed over logs and fallen trees to lose their chaser but all attempts failed. The boy's entire body bursted into flames as he picked up speed while charging through the dense forest. He left a trail of ashes as he darted and ducked under various obstacles in his way with fury in his eyes. " If you think i'm going to let you get away from me you're mistaken!!"

" This guy is scary!!"

" Yeah no kidding- hey let's use that". One of the goblins touched a passing tree before it began glowing. " Their using Habitat Magic, that won't be enough to stop me!!". The tree launched a large number of sharp leaves at the Mage while vines and branches lashed at him with great strength. Shiro jumped at the tree in his fiery state and completely obliterated it with little effort. The two goblins entered a relatively normal sized clearing before a fireball blocked their path.

" Crap!"

" This is bad". The two turned around and saw Shiro walking menacingly out of the foliage heading straight for them. " Now that I got you're attention, why don't you do everyone a favor and give back my friend". The creatures shook in fear as they slowly backed away from the advancing boy. " Look I won't hurt you as long as you-". A ball of green gas launched from the cover of a tree and hit Shiro in his gut causing him to gasp. " What the heck?". He struggled to stay on his feet before looking for his attacker. A cloaked man appeared on the branch of a tree as the young Mage stared at him menacingly. " You?!! .... Who are you?!!". The man smiled at the sight of Shiro's struggle enraging him even more. " You think this is funny? ... just wait ... till I get over there ... and kick your-". He dropped to the floor hardly as the cloaked figure motioned at the two goblin kidnappers.

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