A Mage's Start

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The city of Aynor, a large and active city full of famous shops and restaurants making it a tourist attraction. People come to this large city to see the sites and to have fun but a few come here to join up with magical guilds. Many rookie Mages travel here with high hopes in joining these guilds to have a start in their magical carriers. However, this city was known for having one of the most famous guilds in existence proudly named WyvernWing. Unfortunately the powerful guild has switched locations but not every person knows that.

" Now entering the East Aynor Terminal, you are now free to exit the train" a voice said from a speaker. A blue haired girl practically flew off the train with a large smile on her face.

" I can't believe that i'm here!!" she screamed earning a few weird expressions from passing civilians. Embarrassingly scratching her head she noticed a sign hanging from the roof of the building. " Aynor City East Entrance" it read in a bold red text.

" Looks like I go this way" the girl said out loud as she grabbed her bags and began sprinting down her respective corridor. While jogging down the path she noticed pictures of tourist attractions and famous sights around the city but what really caught her attention was an enormous poster with the WyvernWing Crest on it. She stopped in front of it and looked at it with confidence in her eyes.

Hi, i'm Luna Sharman and I am sixteen years of age. As you can probably tell I am full of energy but who can blame me? Especially since I am in Aynor City. While most of the people I met on the train are only here to see the sights and have fun I came here to be apart of the WyvernWing Guild. Ever since I was a kid it was my dream to join with those guys and to master my magic alongside of them and now I finally have the chance. Yes I am a Mage and even though i'm not a very powerful one I want to do my best to help Terra be the peaceful and wonderful place it used to be and maybe if WyvernWing helps me I can do just that

Smiling the girl ran towards an enormous door with a few other people. As she stepped through it her eyes widened once she saw the huge and magnificent city around her. There were large buildings, parks, gardens and shops as far as the eye could see with the famous Aynor Tower in the middle of the city.

This place is awesome, I should've come here a long time ago

A large blimp hovered over the area and on it was a huge crystal that showed a woman interviewing a brown haired man with a brown beard and black colored eyes.

" I am Sabrina Newman and today i'm here with the master of the WyvernWing Guild Viceroy Geo, tell me sir what made you want to open a guild in the first place?"

" Well Sebrina ever since I was little I was obsessed with magic, I loved it so much that I found myself practicing it every day until I became truly powerful"

" I see, was it your love for magic that made you create the guild?"

" Well actually, I felt that if I could use my magic to help others this country would be a lot safer, so I decided to create my guild and allow people who felt the same way join"

" Very interesting, and what do you have to say to any wanna be Mages out there?"

" All I can say is shoot for the stars and never let anyone tell you that you can't do this or you will never be able to do that because in the end only you can decide"

" That's all the time we have today folks, see you tomorrow on Mage News Daily"

After looking at the Broadcast Blimp Luna pulled out a small piece of paper from her back pocket and looked at it.

" Ok lets see, get on a train to Aynor City, check, arrive, check, find a place to stay"

Well looks like I need to find an apartment around here

" Bus shuttle to town square!!" a man shouted from on a large red bus a little distance away. Luna ran over to it and hopped on board. Looking at the bus schedule she saw that one of its stops was an apartment building.

Perfect, after I get checked in i'll go out and find the WyvernWing Guild

* * *

A young boy walked through the city gates lazily as a small red dragon with green eyes and two stubs on its head flew over him.

" Finally, we are back home" Shiro said.

" Yeah, that job took a lot longer than expected"

" You said it, who knew Manticore's were so hard to tame, anyway let's just get back because I could use a good meal right now"

" Right" the dragon responded. While walking the pair noticed a group of people at a local store buying WyvernWing merchandise. Shiro grimaced at the sight and increased his walking speed, gaining a weird stare from the dragon.

" Everything ok bro?"

" No everything isn't ok"

" Did I miss something?"

" Did you not see those idiots back there buying WyvernWing merchandise, I mean honestly what do they think that guild is a palace"

" Well to be fair they are a pretty powerful guild and they did manage to take down a couple Fallen Guilds as well and-"

" Stop it"

" Stop what?"

" Stop praising them!!, come on Sorch who's side are you on?"

" Yours"

" That's what I thought now let's get back"

" Geez you can be a real crybaby sometimes" Sorch said. The tiny dragon then noticed a few men talking near them.

" Hey bro look at that"

Shiro saw the two men and watched them tensely. He walked over to them with the dragon scampering behind him.

" Hey fellas, care telling me what's going on?"

" Well apparently another Mage went missing"

" Seriously, I thought that whole issue was taken care of by the Royal Guard"

" Me too but according to the news they're still at it again, and they're only going after Mages that are new to the city"

" Have any been found?" Sorch asked.

" Actually all of them have been found"

" Really?" Shiro asked confusedly.

" Yeah but there is something strange about them"

" All of the Mages that have been found had all their Nether completely drained" the other man continued.

" This just got interesting" Shiro said smiling.

* * *

Well i'm done checking into my room I guess I can go and look for the WyvernWing Guild now

Luna began walking out of her apartment building with a map in her hand, unaware of a purpled haired man watching her from a nearby rooftop.

" I think we found another one" he said with a grin.


Hope all of you enjoyed the first chapter of Dragon Eye, updates will be 1-3 times a week depending on how my schedule is. Have a good day and please remember to leave a comment or give my story a vote, thanks :)

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