A Savior

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Luna walked through a crowd of people sadly drooping her head because of the sudden turn of events. She reached the bus station but saw that it had already closed for the day. Knowing that her apartment building was still far away she decided to sit on a bench in a little park near a white fountain.

I can't believe this, I was so close to my dream only to find out that WyvernWing isn't here. And what's worse is I blew all my money on an apartment and buying that jerk something to eat

Luna looked at the sky and saw the clouds drift past slowly. Birds chirped in the nearby trees and little children played around the park.

I wonder what his deal was with WyvernWing? I suppose it doesn't matter now because at this rate i'll never join their guild

" You look down in the dumps" a purple haired man said walking up to the girl. Luna did not respond but instead rested her head on her hands.

" I see, looks like the city has gotten the best of you ay?"

" Actually it's not that"

" Really, I know it's none of my business but please share"

" Well, the reason I came here was to join the famous guild WyvernWing and become a full fledged Mage but-"

" Let me guess, you found out that the guild moved and now you're all upset" the man continued. Luna nodded slowly and then continued mopping.

" Well if you'd like you can always join the Monster Hide Guild"

" Monster Hide? never heard of that guild"

" I'm surprised, it's full of powerful Mages that rival the power of even WyvernWing"

" Really"

" Sure does, in fact I was on my way back to the guild right now, if you want you can tag along and join us"

" Wow thanks! i'm Luna by the way"

" The name's Macao and don't worry joining Monster Hide will make your problems all disappear" Macao said with a kind smile.

" Awesome, then let's go!!" the girl said as she followed the man out of the park.

" That was almost too easy" the man whispered silently to himself as he led Luna to his supposed guild.

* * *

Shiro angrily stomped his way in the opposite direction of the Magic Hat with Sorch flying over his head with a disappointed expression on his face.

" Whats up with you?" Shiro asked.

" Nothing bro, I was just wondering why you were such a douche to Luna"

" Well she wanted to join up with that clown guild and I have no interest in anyone who doesn't respect any other guild"

" Come on bro she didn't know any better and besides it's not like it was on purpose" Sorch continued. Shiro began to slow down as he walked over a small white bridge that had a tiny pond under it. Sorch landed on the railing of the bridge and waited for what his friend would do next.

" You may not agree with me Shiro but she kind of has the same dream as you do"

Shiro now shocked at what the dragon said stared into the sky and watched as the clouds drifted by.


A dozen ferocious wolves growled at a young red haired boy and a small dragon hatchling currently cowering on his shoulder. The wolves advanced closer to the two with drool pouring out of their mouths.

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