Goblin Attack

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People gathered around the large blimp and watched as the young Mages walked off. Ciel looked around the tiny village and started to memorize it. " This place is kinda small, what do you think the goblins will get out of attacking such a puny town?" he whispered to a boasting Shiro.

" Who cares man, all that matters is that we get rid of them". The four walked up to a man with a large grey mustache and gold necklace with a green amulet on it placed around his neck. " I'm going on a limb here and gonna assume you're the leader".

" Yes, my name is Victor"

" Nice to meet you Victor and don't worry, you're town's safe now that Dragon Eye is here". People began to whisper amongst themselves which confused Ciel and Luna while Shiro kept spouting out heroic facts about himself and his teammates.

" I don't understand, there has to be some sort of mistake" Victor said in a shocked tone.

" What do you mean?"

" Well, we originally sent our request to the WyvernWing Guild but it looks like there was a screw up in the mailing system". Shiro stood there astonished about what he had just heard.

" So you're saying that ... you actually wanted WyvernWing?"

" Yeah, why? Is that a-"

" You don't need them!! Dragon Eye is ten times better than those clowns and after we get rid of these goblins everyone here is going to know that!!". Luna watched her now angered friend speak his mind and couldn't help but smile." He's right, Dragon Eye will help you!" she shouted while Ciel chuckled softly. Shiro looked back and gave his friends a smile before returning his stare at the chief. " So listen buddy, I know you were expecting someone else but trust me, after seeing what we can do you're not gonna even remember who WyvernWing is".

" Oh give them a chance" a green haired man said walking over to the group.

" Mest?" Victor responded.

" Seriously, as things currently are I thought you would be glad to have a group of powerful Mages on our side".

" Maybe he's right" a villager said. " We could always use the help" another responded. Mest walked at Shiro and gave him a determined look. " So could what do you say? Are you going to help us?".

" Sure thing pal, that's what the Dragon Eye Guild was made for"

" Great, now that we got that settled what do you say I give you folks a tour". Mest lead the kids past the group of people and further into the tiny town. While walking Luna noticed some burnt buildings and wrecked property littered on the ground.

" The goblins really did a number on this place didn't they?"

" That's nothing, wait till you see in there" Mest responded pointing to a large wooden building. Walking over and looking through a window the kids saw a large number of people getting their injuries treated. " This is horrible" Luna said looking away and covering her eyes.

" They're going to pay for this" 

" I know goblins are creeps but I never knew they were capable of this much damage" Ciel acknowledged.

" I'm afraid so, their attacks have been been becoming more recent as of late"

" I wonder what they want?"

" Who cares what they want!! as long as they're gone these people will be fine!!" Shiro roared.

" Bro, we have to find them first"

" That shouldn't be to hard" a large man said walking over to them.

" Ah, how's it going Luke?" Mest asked.

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