Lets Head Out

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" Hurry up Luna!!, jeez it'll be next year when you're done" Shiro shouted eagerly.

" Relax i'm coming" Luna responded walking out of her apartment building with small backpack.

" What's all that stuff you have there?" Sorch asked from Shiro's shoulder.

" You mean my backpack?"

" Backpack? hey bro how come you never bring a backpack when you go on missions or jobs?"

" Because I don't need to, you see Sorch when you are a strong and awesome Mage like me you don't need such silly necessities"

" Well not all of us can be like you can they? Anyway we should probably get going to the-"

" Let's go!!" Shiro shouted grabbing the girl's arm and darting off towards Dragon Eye. The boy pushed passed and jumped over various people and obstacles while Luna struggled to keep up.

" Do we have to go so fast!!"

" Of course we do, and besides I thought you would be excited to go on your first job request"

" I am but being excited and just plain crazy are two different things!!"

" Really because there basically one in the same for Shiro" Sorch replied as he flew over the kids. Shiro spotted the large guild in the distance and a large smile appeared on his face as he increased his speed. " I see it! we're almost there!!".

" Slow down!!" Luna cried as he sped towards the building.

" And that's how I beat up that three headed sea snake" Bison explained to an uninterested Jack and Seth. " Whats wrong?".

" Dude we both know that's not true" Jack responded twiddling with pebbles in his hand.

" Of course it's true!!"

" But my dad said that you had a fear of snakes?"

" He does, kinda ironic how a Beast Fury Mage is scared of a beast"

" Oh yeah? Well I-". Shiro and Luna darted in the building and crashed into the wall with so much force some of the chairs vibrated.

" Awesome we're here"

" Ow"

" Oh hey guys, all ready to go?"

" You bet we are Rena, make sure and put our reward gold in my locker ok?". Shiro was suddenly tackled to the floor by a happy Amber.

" Ow Amber, you're crushing my lungs"

" I'm sorry but when I saw you I couldn't resist" she responded helping the boy up. " So can I come along on your job too?"

" Sure, the more the merrier"

" Not so fast Amber" Benkei said walking over to them with Jack. " You promised us that you would help on our job".

" I know but-"

" And those poor pixies really need your Levitation Magic to repair their destroyed huts"

" But-"

" No we get it if you would rather help your boyfriend than the innocent little pixies" Jack added.

" Of course i'll help those Pixies!!"

" Her what?"

" Let's go you two, good luck Shiro!" the purple haired girl said as she picked her teammates up with her levitation powers and ran out the door with the now screaming boys.

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