Welcome to our Family

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The dragon's roars created violent gusts of winds that cracked the floors, flipped over chairs and tables and blew some guild members back as well. Shiro stood his ground smiling much to Luna's surprise.

" Anyone want to tell me why there is a dragon inside the guild?!!" Luna screamed running for cover.

" What's wrong with dragons?" Sorch asked stingily.

" Nothing, I just wanted to-"

Shiro was thrown by the beast and smacked Luna on her back causing both of them to fall over. The boy got up with a smile on his face and cracking his knuckles.

" This one is tough, hey Luna thanks for breaking my fall"

" Dont .. mention it"

" Ok dragon time to finish this-" Shiro roared. Ciel pushed past Shiro and ran towards the dragon. " Hey what do you think you're doing?!! I call fighting it first!!"

" Who cares, Ice Core Magic!! Ice Shard!!" Ciel shouted launching shards of ice at the monster who growled in response. He then leapt back before being hit by the creature's claw launching more of his Ice Shards. A trail was being dug in the ground and soon later Jack jumped out shouting " Terra Sting!!" as rocks began speeding towards the dragon and successfully striking it with great force.

" My turn, Ground Pounder!!" Bison yelled as he jumped into the air and formed into a ball. He rolled towards the monster who simply smacked him into the roof causing debris to fall towards Shiro and Luna. Shiro looked at the debris with a simple expression while Luna screamed. Suddenly a purple force field appeared above them before the debris.

" Wow that was close, thanks Amber"

" No problem my love, now time to get some payback" the girl responded flying towards her opponent with her eyes gleaming purple. " Levitation Magic, Force Barrage!!" she yelled as daggers made of purple light began slashing the creature. The dragon released more pink fire at the group which caused them to get back a little. Shiro ran towards it with both of his fists flaming. Jumping up into the air he began punching the monster rapidly with ashes dropping from his hands. It then flung him off and sent him flying towards Ciel.

" Hey watch where you're going brainless!!"

" At least i'm doing something instead of just standing here looking pretty!!"

" Oh yeah? Well if you had any brain cells you would know that it is best to analyze your opponent before attacking!!"

" Who needs to analyze anything if you could simply beat the snot out of it" Shiro retorted. Bison slammed into the two as they were arguing knocking them to the ground.

" WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!" Shiro and Ciel shouted in a unison.

" Well sorry if my body got in the way of you're stupid argument!!" he shouted back. It wasn't long before the three began arguing with each other while Luna watched.

Are they serious? Don't they know that thing could kill them?

" Guys stop this pointless bickering!! we need to stop the dragon" Rena shouted as she ran over to them.

" She's right, how can you call each other teammates if you spend most of the time fighting each other instead of fighting the enemy" Griffin added while sitting at a table observing the fight as Erith continued reading his book. The dragon fired a pink beam at the kids sending them flying into the wall. A long black haired girl watched the fight from the second floor with interest.

" Hey Ellie should we lend them a hand?" she asked a red haired girl who was looking at books on a bookshelf. The girl looked at her and saw the situation.

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