The Volcano Dragon

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Shiro faced the five men who stared at him with shocked expressions. The boy looked back at Luna to see if she was ok and to his surprise she seemed relieved.

" Shiro? how did you find me?"

" It was easy really, all I had to do was follow your footsteps, look for clues and use my amazing tracking knowledge"

" Really? you did all of that?"

" No he didn't I did" Sorch said flying through the large hole in the ceiling. The tiny creature landed next to Luna smiling. " I used my nose to track your scent" he said boastfully.

" Now that makes more sense"

" I know, like that idiot could ever track something down"


The men continued looking at the kids until the hooded man stepped forward grabbing the attention of Shiro.

" So Luna, care telling me what's going on?"

" Those guys tricked me into thinking that they were a guild so they could drain my Nether"

" Drain your Nether? wait a sec are you the guys that have been kidnapping the Mages that I keep hearing people talk about?"

" Thats right" the cloaked man said pulling down his hoodie and revealing his face. Sorch growled at the brown bearded man with purple coloured eyes.

" Sorch do you know who he is?"

" Yeah I do, that's Bertold the Trickster, he and his goons were kicked out of the Red Falcon Guild a couple of months ago because they wouldn't take their jobs seriously"

" It doesn't matter who we are, all that matters is your Nether" Bertold said with an evil grin.

" Sweet, I've been looking to fight someone today and I guess I got my wish" Shiro replied cracking his knuckles.

" Fred I don't have time to play games so finish that idiot off will you"

" Yes sir" the large Sound Magic Mage responded. He then ran towards Shiro at full power with his fists gleaming.

" Shiro!!" Luna screamed running towards the boy but Sorch blocked her path. Luna confusedly looked at the tiny creature who gave her a reassuring smile.

" Don't worry, Shiro can take these guys"

" But how? does he have a weapon?"

" Well sort of"

Fred ran towards his opponent with his attack ready to strike while Shiro stood grinning to himself before sucking up a huge amount of air through his mouth. The man got in range of the boy and began to deliver his punch shouting " Soundwave Magic, Vibration Punch!!". Shiro looked in the direction of the man and roared " Incinerate!!" as a powerful stream of fire emerged from the child's mouth which hit the man directly sending him flying into the ceiling. The group of men looked at the boy trembling as Luna gave a shocked expression.

" I told you he could handle himself"

" What was that?"

" Its called Burning Dragon Magic, it's really powerful fire attributed magic that takes a long time to master but luckily Shiro here has full control over it"

" You've got to be kidding me?"

Shiro stared at his opponents smiling. " Who's next?". The men hesitated while Bertold gave a mad expression.

" What are you idiots doing?!! attack him!!" he shouted angrily. His followers hesitated for a few moments before they charged at the Mage all at once. A skinny man ran up in front and held his purple glowing hands out in front of him.

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