Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Jace POV

(First day of school)

BEEP!!!!  BEEP!!!!  BEEP!!!!

My alarm clock kept repeating…until I threw it across the room and sent it to the floor in pieces, hmm, I think that that was the 9th alarm clock I have ever owned, all because I broke them, what can I say I like my sleep.

Today is my first day of school…yay.

I roll over in bed to go back to sleep only to come crashing to the cold wooden flooring that is my bed room floor.  I groan and get up.

“Guess there is no point in going back to sleep now” I whispered to my self as I look at my bed with a longing look as I make my way to the bathroom for a shower.  Once out the shower I dress in my red skinnie jeans, Black Veil Brides band shirt and red converse all star high tops. I then apply black eye liner, comb my black hair so it covers my left eye and put in new silver snakebite rings I got before I left my old town.  I grabbed my bag, green skullcandies and bike helmet as I walked out the door to the kitchen to find my mum making toast.

“Hey mum” I say kissing her cheek and stealing the toast she just buttered

She slapped my hand and gave me a stern look “hey sweetie, how you feeling about school?”

“you know I hate school but hopefully this one will be different” I say hopefully for my mum to put her mind at ease.

“I hope so honey we don’t need a rerun of last time” she said looking sad

“I’m sorry for what I have put you through mum, but i cant help how I want to look and how people see it.” I say hugging my mum my head on top of hers with her arms around my neck

“I know honey, but please don’t do it again”

“I promise mum” I replied kissing her head, I looked at the time right I gotta go mum, so I’ll see you later” I said kissing her head

“BYE!!” she screams after me.

I climb onto my bike and pull my helmet on and put my bag in the compartment in the bike. I revved the bike and then speed off to school.

As I pulled up to school everyone looked my way. I climbed off my bike and pulled my helmet off and I swear I heard girls gasp. I sorted my hair our so it was in front of my left eye, I pulled my skullcandy headphones around my neck and pulled my bag out the compartment, all the while feeling people stare at me, great. I put my helmet away and started walking to the school entrance, I dared to look up and found many eyes staring at me, some girls giggling and guys looking at me in envy as I have muscles that I got from fighting off the bullies. I kept walking and I had just made it to the entrance when the head cheerleader and her followers came in front of me.

“Hey” she purred, her hand stroked my arm “my names Bethany” she was about to continue when the roar of bikes met our ears.

Everyone turned to face the entrance same as I did.

Then 4 helmeted people came speeding into the school, the first one was a girl and the other 3 were guys. They each had custom designed bikes from the looks of it. They each skidded into a parking space, the 3 guys lifted their helmets first and flipped their hair, from the looks of it 2 of them were twins. Then the girl removed her helmet and swished her hair out, she was beautiful, she had charcoal black hair that shimmered in the light, and hazel eyes which are rimmed with thick eyeliner that looked into your soul as if searching for answers to her unasked questions. She pulled purple skullcandy headphones around her neck and grabbed her bag. She then started walking to the school the guys followed her in a diamond with her at the front. As she walked past me she suddenly froze and looked at me. A look of awe was written across her face and she looked me up and down the same as I did to her, we both had red skinnie jeans, red converse all star high tops and Black veil brides top only mine was black and hers was white. We both gasped the same as everyone else did because we were both practically seeing our selves in the opposite gender. Our eyes travelled up each others faces and I heard her gasp as she saw I had snakebites and black eyeliner on. We stared at each other, I could feel eyes on us.

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