Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

Jace POV

It has been a week since everything has happened. On the third day we found out that James found his mate when she brought him food into the cell, she now visits everyday. Scar is back to her normal health but couldn’t transform into her wolf for the week making her sad.  Me and Scar were on bed rest for the week so we shared a huge king size bed so we could talk to each other and be close to each other. I am getting used to my improved senses’ and have healed much like a normal wolf would.  My mum, my dad and my brother have all been to see me and Scar, although they think I got into a minor motorbike accident and that Scar was with me.


Me and Scar are just eating breakfast and talking when we hear a lot of footsteps out side the door. The door is suddenly flung open with so much force it falls of its hinges. I smell my mum first as she tackles me to the bed and kisses all over my face.

“My baby!!!!! Are you ok? Do you need anything? Are you hurt? Please talk baby!!” my mum wails

“MUM!!!” I shout over her screaming of questions “I’m fine mum” I say gently as I hear and feel her sob into my shoulder and she hugs me tightly. I look behind her to see my dad and brother also looking at me worried I plead with my dad with my eyes for him to get mum off me but he only smirks at me and shakes him head ‘evil parents’ I think. I turn to my brother and plead with him but he also shook his head aswell because it was revenge because when he broke his are 3 years ago mum did the same to him and I didn’t help…huh…karma I guess.

I sigh and pull my mum into a hug properly and rock her back and forth as she crys and mumbles to herself

“I’m a bad mum…It’s my entire fault…My baby could have died” was all I could pick up.

I sat up slowly with my mum on my lap curled up and trapping me in her small arms

“Mum” I whisper in her ear “you are not a bad mum, you are the best anyone could ask for, so don’t you dare think that, I love you, so don’t say it’s your fault, no one knew I would crash with Scar so don’t blame yourself” I whisper fiercely to her.

Her tears start to slow and she becomes quiet by this time all Scars family and mine are in the room watching.

“Really?” she whispers unsure “you don’t hate me?”

“Of course I don’t hate you why would I, I have no reason to not” I say softly.

“I love you too…my little baby boy” she whispers to me.

I hug her tightly and she does the same to me, I felt a tear slip out my eye and slide down my face as I hug my mum for some reassurance, on what I don’t know but for some. I nuzzle my face into her neck to smell her perfume that she always wears and fills my home to stop myself from crying. I take a deep breath and pull away the same as my mum does, I kiss her cheek and smile at her grateful for all the time for being there for me.

My mum climbs off my lap and then I am pulled into a huge bear hug from my dad.

“Thanks son, she needed that, she has been feeling helpless since we got that call, she cried for the whole day” he said in husky whisper that was laced with tears. He drew in a ragged breath and pulled away clapping his hand in my back

I was then swallowed into a hug from my brother

“OH MY, DEAR BROTHER! HOW I HAVE MISSED YOU! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!” he fake cried like the sensitive brother he is

Im a werewolf and he is my human mate...Where stories live. Discover now