Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

Scott POV

Me and the rest of the family were walking to Jace’s room when we see doctor running in talking about a stabbing. We run into the room to see Jace leaning over Scars body crying.  We then catch the end of their conversation

“Just let me sleep a little while?” Scar asked weakly

“NO SCAR DON’T CLOSE YOUR EYES, DON’T LEAVE ME!!!!! I LOVE YOU, YOU CANT GO” we hear him yell as a lot of people enter the room and fuss over her pulling Jace away

“I love you Jace” we hear her say and smile until her eyes flutter closed.

“SCAR!!!!” I scream running over to her falling to my knees, I turn to Jace “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?! HOW WAS SHE STABBED?!”

“James he went psychopathic I think I dunno, I woke up as he scratched this ‘J’ into my arm, me and Scar screamed and then she dived at him and they fought, Scar was winning but then because he never dropped the knife it stabbed her in the stomach. He went to climb out the window but Scar froze him and I dunno I got help and talked to Scar” he whispers finishing with his body being racked be sobs as he looks at Scars form “she said the knife was lined with silver and she think it caught  something so she couldn’t heal as well.” He breaks down in sobs again “I told her I love her and she said she loves me and now she’s hurt and I can do any thing” he cries again

I am frozen on the spot and look to the window to see a shadow figure fixed in position. I walk over ans see a muscle version of James

“Well, hello James” I say evilly thinking of revenge

“S-S-Scott you gotta believe me I never wanted to hurt Scar, I love her” he says shakily

“Yeah well if she dies then your going to have a lovely pain filled death through torture because she my TWIN!” I all but shout at the end

“At least well be together in the after life and away from HIM” he spat

“You right. I guess I’ll just imprison you for 10 years and isolate and torture you but make sure you don’t die so my sister can be safe and way from you!” I spat at him, venom dripping form my words.

I grab the top of his arm and pass him to dad who leads him out the room and away from here to the prison that we made especially made for werewolves.  Under ground and extra strong only way out is if it opened from the out side. Nasty place.

 I walk back to my sister and see my mum holding Jace as he looks pale, tear lines marking his face as he looks at Scar as the doctors had put her on the bed and her seeing to her and as this was a were hospital they could help her.

I look around the room and see my brothers all holding each other, not bothering to look strong, each holding their twin protectively as they watch Scar. I look and see dad enter, his hair messed from where he has run his hands though his hair in frustration

It is silent apart from the doctors who are working on Scar talking frantically to each other the only words I catch make my body freeze and tears to form in my eyes

“This could be fatal if we don’t get her to surgery NOW” one doctor scream as they rush her out the room

I fall to the floor and cry as it doesn’t matter who is watching all I care about is my twin getting through this.

Im a werewolf and he is my human mate...Where stories live. Discover now