Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

James POV

I opened the door making no noise and I walked into….HIS room to see Scar and him curled up together making me and wolf really angry.

I see Jace asleep but Scar is awake just laying there with him. I closed the door not being quiet this time.  Scar’s head snapped up and her eyes met mine and I saw anger, surprise, confusion and hatred fill them. All the emotions scaring my heart and her emotion filled eyes burn the image in my head forever. I took a deep breath and said the one thing I wish I could have said years ago

“I love you so much Scar, please. I don’t want to kill him I just want him out of the way so we can finally be together just like we wanted when we were kids” I say to her as I step closer to her.

She stands up gently and quietly from the bed and away from…HIM.

She walked towards me confusion, anger, hurt and pain evident on her face as she came closer. I smile gently at her and open my arms for her to enter them so I can embrace her in my welcoming arms. But instead she slaps me making my head snap to the side and my hand to raise to my face as my head slowly turns to look at her shock and surprise showing on my face. I see her eyes tear up as she looks at me from head to toe and then again, tears filling her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” I question her as I move closer to her worried

“You have changed so much, you didn’t speak to me in like a year and I never even got a phone call” she whispered brokenly as her voice cracked and broke as her salty tears left her eyes leaving trails down her face. I step closer to her, pulling her into my arms and letting her cry into my chest as I smoothed her hair down, with her arms wrapped around my torso.

“I’m so sorry Scar” I whisper into her ear “I never wanted to hurt you, I only wanted to surprise you when I got back and we could be together in our happily ever after.” I say as I nuzzle my face into her neck and breathe in her scent. I could feel her shake her head as she stepped away from me pushing me away with her hands on chest

“No, I love Jace, James, I’m sorry but I don’t love you in the way you love me. I love you like a brother or a best friend but not as a mate.” As soon at the words tumbled out of her mouth I could feel my heart breaking in my chest and I heard the audible crack as I could feel it smash like glass against a wall.

“No, No, No, NO YOU DON’T LOVE HIM, YOU LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed at her

“Shhhh, James, look I know you love me but if you love me wouldn’t you want me to be happy?” she questioned

“Yes” I whisper to her “But with me and not…Him” I spat ‘him’ in disgust as it dripped from my mouth with venom dripping from it.

She flinched at my dark, hard tone and my face softened as I looked into her eyes, my wolf calming.

“Please James, do you remember what I said to you the day we decided to just be friends, all those years ago?” she questions as she cradles my face in her hands as I nodded

“You said that you wanted to find your mate and live happily ever after” I whisper as tears slid down my face as I looked into her eyes.

“And my mate is Jace and I want my happily ever after James. I’m sorry” she said as she took a step back breaking what was left of my heart.

Scarlett POV

Im a werewolf and he is my human mate...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt