Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

Jace POV

It has been 3 weeks. Three weeks since I met James for real, properly. At first I punched him in the face for what he did. He had a lovely black eye for the rest of the day before it healed.

Me and Scar have grown closer and closer. We spent every moment we could together; my family and hers are acting like they have known each other for years but my family don’t know about the whole werewolf thing. Right now we are all staying in the main house in the guest rooms. We soon decided that we should give them a place to stay her so that they can be safe for the future when we become alphas, so we were going to tell them what we are.  Scar and her family were nervous but I knew my mum would probably scream like a girl and ask if they know Jacob as my mum is obsessed with twilight, and I quote “cant get enough of Jacobs body even though he was hotter with long hair”, my mum and Scars mum had a fight over how they liked him better with his long hair or his short hair and apparently my mum won… Mothers… they act like teenagers I swear, sometimes I’ll walk into a room and see them whispering to each other and giggling but when they notice me they stop and act innocent.   Although our dads haven’t been much better, they keep playing trick on everyone in the house and then laughing for the rest of the day about it; last night they set up honey and feathers on almost every door in the house and that is a lot of doors and by the end of it just about everyone was covered in honey and feathers.

Today we are telling my mum, dad and brother about the werewolf thing and if it is cool they can stay in the house that they pack have been building since they found out about me and Scar. The house has 3 floors, 8 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms; it isn’t painted because the pack wanted them to paint it how they wanted to make it more comfortable for them, but all rooms are wood floors but have long rugs and smaller rugs to make it comfortable, also there is a huge fireplace in the living room with a stone shelf that goes across that room to make it safer, the fireplace contains wood and there is a huge storage area underneath the house that is filled with wood to last forever.  The house is also backing onto the back of Scars house so we share a garden and pool as me and Scar will be Alpha soon it was more convenient.

Right now me, Scar, her brothers and my brother are all in the pool outside…Scar’s brothers and my brother are in the pool me and Scar are cuddling on a sun lounger because we cant be bothered to loose although I think Scar fell asleep 15 minutes ago… I suddenly hear my parent and Scars laughing. Alex (Scars dad) pokes his head around the corner and calls to us

“Kids come on!” and from that we knew it was time…we were going to tell my family about them.

“Coming” we call back

I shake Scar slightly to wake her up “come one Scar, wake up now” I whispered kissing her cheeks and forehead until she let out a quiet moan and groan

“Ok, ok, I’m awake” she groaned

“Come on then, were telling them now” I said quietly

Me and Scar climbed out the chair and walked into the house to see Scars brothers sitting on the floor near Alex and Emma and then on the opposite sofa is my family, me and Scar sat in the middle of the sofas to the side.

Emma took a deep breath

“Ok, urmm, we, urmm haven’t been completely honest with you” my mum and dad look confused

“What do you mean?” my mum asked confused

“Urmm, well we aren’t what you think we are” Alex said nervously

Im a werewolf and he is my human mate...Where stories live. Discover now