Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

Jace POV

I love her I do but i’m not a werewolf, I don’t know the first thing about them apart from what Scar has said. I don’t know if I can do this, her being a werewolf was hard enough to take in….. So what should I do? I question

‘Do it, be with mate, we love mate, I’ll help you be alpha!’ a voice screamed in my head

Great now I’m crazy with a voice in my head I think


Wolf not voice


But I’m not a wolf


You cant change into one but I have always been here you just haven’t known about me or heard me until you found out about mate


This is creepy, but then shouldn’t I have like good eye sight and stuff?


You will soon but you wont be able to change until you and mate have completed the mating


The mating?


Mate will tell you if you accept her


And with that my ‘wolf’ left my mind.

I look over at Scarlett and see her stoking the little puppy after having moved from my lap a minute ago. I watched as she smiled down at the little boy/wolf pup. She suddenly leaned down to his ear and whispered “change, clothes”

Seconds later in the pups place was a little 4 year old boy in tracksuit bottoms and a baggy top curled up in her lap. She picked him up gently and held him against her body so his feet where at her hips, his arms curled into his chest that is against hers and his head in the crook of her neck as she held him against her as she rocked him back and forth humming a lullaby I don’t recognise. I see the love in her eyes as she smiles down at him as much as she can, hearing his soft breathing and whimpering every time his head moved from her neck and would snuggle closer to her even more.               I smiled at the scene.

“Your gunna be an amazing mum” I say gently looking at her with love in my eyes

“That’s good cus I have always loved kids and cant wait to have my own” she whispers smiling gently

The thought of her having another mans child broke my heart and anger to boil in side of me

“Mine” I growled

“If you want me you can have me” Scar winked jokingly

Making my face and insides heat up with embarrassment and love.

After a few minutes of silence Scar finally broke it

“Jace…W-W-Will you accept me?” she whispered brokenly

I smiled at her “yes, Scar I accept you” I whispered

Suddenly a huge beam of light flew through the air and hit me. The pain of the hit intensified and I screamed so loud only dogs would be able to hear me. I could feel a fire inside me, burning me from the inside out. Scar screamed for her father. Her dad and brothers all ran in

“What happened?!” Screamed her dad

“he said he accepted me and then a huge beam of light came and hit him I don’t know what happened!!!!!”

I screamed again and my body started moving and rolling and spinning with out me controlling it.

“S-S-SC-SCAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed as the fire continued to “T-T-THERES A FIRE!!!!! INSIDE!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” I screamed at her tears pouring out my eyes

After that I blacked out from the pain.

Alex (Scar’s dad) POV

I heard screaming coming from Scars room and then we heard Scar calling for me we all ran in to see Jace on the floor screaming

“What happened?!” I Screamed at her

“He said he accepted me and then a huge beam of light came and hit him I don’t know what happened!!!!!” Scar screamed back at me .

Jace screamed again and his body started moving and rolling and spinning.

“S-S-SC-SCAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He screamed to her “T-T-THERES A FIRE!!!!! INSIDE!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” He screamed as tears pouring out of his eyes

My eyes widened in realisation when I saw he blacked out and his body still moved

“Someone poisoned him”, I say in realisation “someone wants him dead and painfully, I-I-I Think someone wants Scar but could have her with him in the way!” I shout at them as I have an Epiphany.  “Scar do you have any ex’s or boys that are your friends that could do this?” I question

“well I have only had one boy friend and that was years ago and we decided to just be friends, we knew each other from when we first started school at 4 and were best friends but I haven’t spoken to him since last year but he didn’t really have muscles and stuff them but I liked him like that and I haven’t seen him since” I said sadly  “wait you don’t think he did it….do you?”

“I don’t know but it’s a possibility, but right now you have give him so blood so that the poison will be defeated” I say as Jace scream again

“Who is he? The boy?” I question her as she slices her arm for the blood

“James, James Brown, same age as me. Blond hair, blue eyes.”

I remember him, he always looked at Scar with love in his eyes and she didn’t even notice. Time to find him.

Im a werewolf and he is my human mate...Where stories live. Discover now