Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

Josh POV

(BTW this is at the end of the night before, just so it’s less confussing)

I have never seen my twin brother so sad in my life, as I watched him sigh and look defeated as he watched Scar and Scott with their mates.

I knew he has always wanted his since he first learnt about them and i even thought he had met her that one month he was depressed and wouldn’t talk but he never said anything. I tried to be there for him, I even slept out side his room for a week because I heard him crying on the other side of the door, but he never knew because he hardly ever came out of his room.  I could sometimes feel his sadness so much I would sit out side his door and cry with him, my family grew worried but it got so bad I was effected so much but they never said anything only the odd ‘Are you ok?’ ‘Can we do anything to help?’ Then one day I woke up feeling happier and I walked out of my room into the kitchen to see Jake sitting in the kitchen laughing and talking as if he we perfectly fine and normal, but I could still feel the emptiness in him.  I sometimes still sleep out side his bedroom door when I hear him crying slightly but no one knows because they are already in bed by then. I tried and get him to tell me what happened that month but he wouldn’t, stubborn witch.

I look over at him ‘Don’t worry J’ I said in his mind ‘You never know what is round the corner’

He smiled at me ‘I guess I’ll just have to listen to you then wont I J’

And that made me feel comforted to know that he was look to the future.

At 11 we all went to bed, but I prolonged it so I could be alone when I check on Jake. I pressed my ear against the door to his room and could hear him sigh dejectedly and the rustling of clothes which must mean he is changing and then the noise of his bed springs creaking slightly under his weight. I sighed quietly and was about to move away when I could hear the faint and familiar sound of water hitting fabric; I felt his sadness and emptiness fill my heart and stomach. I sighed again as tears slipped down my face and landed on the carpeted floor beneath my feet. I lay down in the floor in front of Jakes door and curled my knees up to my chest as I felt tears slip down my face

“Why can’t you tall me what’s going on Jake” I whisper into the dark hallway

I sniffed as more tears rolled down my face staining my cheeks.

Alex POV

I watched Josh curl up in a ball on the floor from Jake’s bedroom door,

“Why can’t you tell me what’s going on Jake” Josh whispered into the dark as I watched tears roll down his face, my heart broke watching the sight in front of me. I opened my door making it creak and groan slightly making Josh’s head snap up to look at me as the moon light pooled into the hallway through the small window near me. I walked slowly and carefully towards him as he sat up slowly, I watched as the small glistening tears rolled down his already stained cheeks. I sat next to him

“He’ll fine son, he would tell us if it was important, you shouldn’t worry so much” I whispered in his ear as he leaned his head onto my shoulder hugging me from the side, I wrapped my arms around him aswell

“But he’s not dad” Josh whispered brokenly “I can feel his emptiness and sadness dad, he is acting every day, I know it” I felt tears soaking my shoulder. "I feel it" he whispered broken

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