An Unwanted Fight

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I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I heard snoring from another room. I was in a bed with the lights off, but something was glowing green, maybe blue. I sat up a little, but then fell back in exhaustion. The glowing thing got close.

"W—who's there?" My words sounded slurred. What happened?

"Hey, kid. Don't worry, it's just Sans. Ya gave me quite the scare earlier. Are ya okay now?"

"I—I think so. Um, Sans?"

"Yeah, baby bones?"

"What happened to me? Where am I?"

"You're in Snowdin Town, and I won't make any puns for a while about it, okay? You passed out from laughing so much this afternoon. I found that inhaler ya mentioned and treated ya. I've never seen someone like puns that much. I carried ya here. Papyrus didn't give ya the last three puzzles like he wanted, but he's flexible."

Sans, what is that glow?" The glow vanished instantly.

"It's... nothing to worry about. Just something I've had for a long time."

"Why was it glowing?"

"It glows when I'm angry, sad, or scared."

"And you were scared?"

"I'll admit it again. You were out for a few hours. Don't do that again, okay, kid? It really freaked me and Papyrus out."

"I'll try not to." I got out of the bed and Sans gave me my inhaler. "Can you please do one snow pun?"

"I shouldn't. It wouldn't be cool if ya passed out again."

I contained my laughter as best I could, which was very difficult to do, before I started to look for a light. "Sans, where's the light?"

Sans snapped on the lightbulb of a nearby lamp. "There, how's that?"

"Better. Now I won't trip." I walked towards the door with Sans. He turned the lamp off and shut the door behind us. We walked down the stairs to the counter to pay for the night's stay. Sans was generous enough to cover the cost.

"By the way, kid, Papyrus is waiting for you. Keep heading to your left. You should see him."

"Are you coming with me?"

"Nah, ya seem okay now. Besides, I need to go and clean out the fridge. Papyrus is going to poison someone with that spaghetti. Oh, and one last thing. Papyrus has a special attack. If he turns ya blue, you'll be affected by gravity. Also, if you see a light-blue attack, don't move." Then Sans teleported away.

I followed Sans' instructions and went to find Papyrus. I passed some houses and a shed when suddenly a snowy whirlwind began forming. I saw Papyrus' faint outline and kept walking towards it.

"Human!" Oh, it's Papyrus! "I wish this could have been under different circumstances. For you see, I haven't met someone quite like you. Someone who loves puzzles and, apparently, puns. You managed to get so wrapped up in them that you passed out! I wish I could say that I could be your—" Friend? Why did he stop? "No, no this is all wrong. I—I must capture you! I cannot be your friend! I must be a member of the Royal Guard!" My green soul came out of my chest, and I knew a battle was coming.

There was no way I would hurt anyone, especially Papyrus. Besides, Sans would kill me if I hurt him. So I kept trying to spare Papyrus. Eventually, for one of his attacks, he threw a bunch of light-blue bones at me. I listened to Sans' warning, and stayed still. I wasn't hurt. Then, he turned me blue. I jumped, and I floated back to the ground.

"NYEH HEH HEH! You're blue now! That's my special attack."

The battle continued. I lost some health, but eventually Papyrus realised I wouldn't fight back. So, he made an excuse.

"Human! It's clear you can't defeat me! Yes, I see you shaking in your boots! That is why I elect to grant you MERCY. I will spare you now."

Fighting isn't the answer, but kindness is. That's what I say. I knew Papyrus knew it, but I guess he was determined to be a part of the Royal Guard no matter the cost. I spared him.

"NYOO HOO HOO! I couldn't stop someone even as weak as you. I'll never be able to join the Royal Guard!"

"Why not become a puzzle maker instead? You seem pretty good at that."

He face lit up when I said this. "You are right! I, the great Papyrus, will become the greatest puzzle maker in the entire world! Thoroughly japing people with my amazing skills!" Then he added, "I'll still try to be in the Royal Guard, though." I smiled. Never give up, I guess.

I'm glad I gave Papyrus a confidence boost, though he seems like he doesn't need it. "Papyrus, do you know how to get out of here?"

"Of course! To cross the barrier—that's the division between your world and ours—you need to go through the king's castle. There, you will meet King Asgore Dreemurr. And, well... he's a big, fuzzy pushover! I bet if you go to him and ask, 'can you take me to the barrier?' he'd take you to it himself!"

"Thank you, Papyrus!" I ran over to him and tackled him in a hug.

"Nyeh? Human?" He hesitated before hugging me back. "Come along, human, I'll cook you some spaghetti before you go on your way." He carried me back to his home. When I arrived, he put me on the couch. I was tired, so I curled up and fell asleep.    

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