A Thankful Breakfast

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I woke up the next morning and noticed they were both asleep. I got up carefully and quietly. I crept down the stairs into the kitchen. The shattered bowl wasn't there either. Now I know it was purely a nightmare. I wouldn't want that thing in reality.

Anyway, I went to the fridge and looked for some breakfast items. There were eggs and bacon. Under the counter I found some potatoes. Perfect. I could make a nice, hot breakfast. I hope they'll like it.

I put the bacon on to fry and then went to work on the potatoes. I couldn't find a peeler for the potatoes, so I just used a knife. It was difficult, but it works. Gram taught me how to do it properly without cutting my hand. I peeled four large potatoes before washing them and cutting them up. I took the cooked bacon out and then I put the potatoes in the bacon grease. I also started frying the eggs in the frying pan I brought with me since they didn't have any more. When this was all done, I put a fried egg on each plate, two pieces of bacon, and a lot of hash browns.

"Don't tell me the kid ran away because of that nightmare. Kid? Kid!"

"We're terrible friends we let a nightmare slip by unnoticed and now they've run off oh what are we going to do the world is ending they're going to get lost and it's all our fault now Undyne's going to... Wait. What is that delicious smell?"

"Is that the kid's cooking?"

"Good morning, Sans! Good morning, Papyrus!"

They both walked into the kitchen in surprise. The table was all set for breakfast. They didn't have orange or apple juice, but water is good in the morning. "What's all this for, human?"

"You guys were so kind to me, a stranger and a human, that I decided I should do something kind as well. So, since you were both asleep, I made breakfast. I was about to go and see if you two were awake yet."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's eat!" Sans sat down in the chair closest the door. Papyrus sat with his back to the stove, so I sat across from Sans. "It smells absolutely wonderful, kid."

"Yes, human! I didn't realise you were such a great chef! Is it because of that apron?"

"No, my grandmother taught me how to cook, handle a knife, wash dishes—"

"I didn't think ya would touch a knife after last night."

"It took some courage, but I managed."

We ate breakfast and had a little bit of table conversation about life in general. I talked about some of the cooking adventures with my grandmother, Papyrus talked about his cooking experiences, and Sans talked about trying to make a quiche some time.

"Human, do you think you could teach us how to cook a meal like this?"

"Definitely! I love cooking. I'd also like to try some of your spaghetti some time."

"Ya might not like that," Sans commented, "There's something not quite right with the flavor. We haven't found the sauce of the problem yet, though." Sans and I laughed, while Papyrus groaned loudly.

"By the way, I couldn't get the dishes in the sink. Why is it so tall?"

"Because I thought it would be cool if I increased the height of our sink."

"Does that mean you'll do the dishes?"

"I'm sure I can do that for you, human."

"Thank you, Papyrus. Oh, and Sans, here's your hoodie back." I gave it back to Sans and he put it on.

"Thanks, kid. I was wondering sweater or not you'd give it back." We snickered.

"SANS!!! Don't you remember what happened last time you told a bunch of puns to the human?"

"Yeah, and I'm being careful." Sans' expression showed that an idea just popped into his head. "Hey kid, we still don't know your name yet."


"I've never heard of such a name before. Jessey, huh? Closest name I can think of is Jerry, but no one likes him." Sans put his feet up on the table after Papyrus cleared it.

"Oh my God, Sans, you never bring up his name, that's how much no one likes him. People who live in Waterfall and Hotland are lucky they don't know who he is. I bet Undyne would beat him into thousands of Jerry bits."

"Is it better if I don't ask who Jerry is?"

"Yes. Don't get Sans started on that long, hatred road."

"I wouldn't want to see Sans angry."

"Trust me, Jessey. Ya really wouldn't."

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