You're Not Alone

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Sans went to his room to sleep. Guess me waking him up in the middle of the night made him tired. Although, Papyrus didn't go back to bed, he went—well, I don't know—maybe he went to train with Undyne. In any case, I think I should clean up a little bit. Papyrus already cleaned up the dishes, so I cleaned the stove top and vacuumed the house. I remade Papyrus' bed since all three of us made it into quite the mess. I knocked on Sans' door to clean up his room, since Pap's was neat already.

THUD. Did Sans fall onto the floor? "Sans, I'm coming in." No response. I burst through the door and saw that Sans' eye was glowing. Objects were floating around the room.

"No, don't hurt him! Get away from him!" Sans was screaming. "Papyrus, look out!" A menacing-looking thing appeared out of nowhere. It shot a laser at the wall facing Waterfall. It blasted a hole through the wall.

"Sans! Sans, are you all right?"

He turned towards me with both a scared face and an angry one. Sans must be in a dream-like state. White bones of different sizes came from thin air and he pointed them at me. They came straight for me.

"Sans, what are you doing? Please, stop!" They disappeared. The objects in the room slowly lowered, and Sans fell to the ground. I ran to his side. "Are you okay?" I made him sit up against his bed. His eye stopped glowing, and his eyes were halfway open.

"Kid? What are ya doing here?" He looked at me, but now he was still a little scared.

"I was cleaning up the house. I came to clean yours when I heard a thud. I came in and saw you and some objects floating. You shot something at the wall, and almost hit me with some bones."

"Oh, I'm sorry kid—Jessey. Are you hurt?" He looked me over.

"I'm okay, but what was that? You were saying, 'no, don't hurt him! Get away from him! Papyrus, look out!'"

He looked away. I could tell he didn't want to talk about it, but he needs to tell somebody. I wonder if he's said anything to Pap. He has to stop running away.

"It was one of those too-real nightmares, wasn't it?"


"Come on, Sans. You can tell me about it. You need to tell someone."

"Alright, but ya can't judge me, okay? I didn't judge ya." I nodded and waited for him to continue. He let out a sigh. "There was a kid with a striped shirt on. They thought they could hide a knife behind their back, but I could see it. They always had dust on their hands, and the knife was the same way. They were killing everything in their way, and going out of their way, too." He breathed in deeply, but I could hear it waver. I think he wanted to stop.

"It's okay, Sans. They don't exist. The thing from my nightmares doesn't exist either."

"They fought Papyrus. They... he..." Tears started to roll down his cheekbones. "He didn't stand a chance. He spared them, but the kid just..." He hid his eye sockets in his sleeves. He made a slashing action, but I knew what he was trying to say. I let him cry on my shoulder, us switching roles of comforted and comforter.

"I'm sorry, Sans. I wish you didn't have to go through that." He continued to sob, but I wasn't going to stop him. Something tells me this has happened a lot, but he kept the emotions inside. "Papyrus is safe though. He has me, and he has you. You are the most caring brothers I know, and I know that you will both live long and happy."

"Ya think so?"

"Hey, you'll be as happy as two cheeries." I winked as he chuckled.

"Thanks, Jess." He stood and helped me up. "Ya kept me from being blueberry." I grinned.

"That's the spirit! Now, how about we clean up this room? It would probably make Papyrus very happy."

"Nah, I'm going to Grillby's. You should come, too." I thought this over for about a split second.


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