Tragic Timing

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The hotdogs—the REAL hotdogs—tasted better than the ones on the surface. I put ketchup and relish on mine while Sans drank the ketchup he didn't put on his. After we finished, Sans spoke up.

"I'm gonna go check on Pap. Will ya be okay to stay here?"

"Yeah, I'll be alright. How long will you be gone?"

"Only for a few minutes. I'll be back, so don't ya worry." Sans snapped his fingers after patting my head, and then I was by myself.

Well, almost.

"Ahh, human! Would you like some coffee?" That volcano puppy showed up. "You didn't get any earlier."

I slowly got up and backed away. It exploded some lava from its crater. It ran towards me, and I bolted. I turned left, and realised I made a huge mistake.

"Lightning will help speed up!" Lightning bolts were fired at me and actually set the corner of my apron on fire. I threw it off and stomped the flame out before it was noticeably scorched. "Ahh, you're hurt! Lava will heal you!"

"Kid, look out for Vulkin!" I shifted my attention to Sans and then back to Vulkin. A glob of lava hit me where Undyne's spear pierced me. I won't lie; it hurt a lava.

I took a few steps back from the impact of the blow and tripped over a rock. Vulkin disappeared from view. "Sans!" Everything slowed. The world around me was fading to darkness.

I couldn't tell if it was my death. I was doomed to either die from burning up from Vulkin or the lava below. Yes, it must be my death. Slow and painful. I wish I had more time. Time to tell them how much I cared for them, time to see a bunny like a wanted to, time to hear truth.

I could've lived a better life.

The tears came through my closed eyes. This can't be the end. I will accept my death, but not here. Not now. I need to be with them. I won't go until I see them both at least one more time.

This request fills me with DETERMINATION.

A blue glow surrounded me, and my soul turned blue. Thank you, Sans. My health was at 3/20. I was still on fire.

I collapsed in front of Sans and Vulkin. The flames were extinguished by Sans, and Vulkin ran away. He stroked my hair out of my face and then took off his sweater. I was wrapped in it like a blanket.

Just like when I arrived to the harsh cold.

"I'll get ya to Papyrus. He'll know what to do." One minute we were in Hotland, the next minute I was on the couch. I was getting dizzy. Papyrus stood on the stairs.

"Nyeh?! What happened Sans?"

"Vulkin. It was my fault. I should've—"

"Shh, Sans. You didn't know. This is not your fault." I sounded as weak as I was, but I mustered my energy and held Sans' hand. Papyrus was at my side, too. I tried reaching for his hand, but I wasn't strong enough. He grabbed my hand instead.

"Stay still, human." Papyrus started to try and heal me, but I wouldn't let him. "Human, what are you doing?"

"Dying the way I dreamed. I have a good family to be with me, and my best friends are here. We've had quite the adventure together. You saved me, cared for me, and comforted me, even now. More than anyone else, too. You've listened, and shared stories about our pasts. We've had nightmares, and we've had dreams. Nothing could let me forget about either of you. Whenever I was kind, I was reminded of you two. Before I go, promise me one thing: that you will remember me, even if it's in your sleeping moments."

"We will, human. The great Papyrus will keep making spaghetti in your memory!"

"Call me Jessey, just once, Pap."

"Alright, just for you, Jessey. You will never be able to understand our growing love towards you." Papyrus picked me up to his chest. Sans wrapped his arms around us both as we all started to shed bitter tears.

"We love you, kiddo."

We sat down on the couch.

It's my colour.

"I love you both, too."


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