Authors Note

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I'm going to put in updates of any kind here in this chapter and a handy dandy little table of contents for you all. For the moment all the work displayed below is already written, I'll be posting it in moderation.

Somethings to know:
•If you see a spelling error feel free to comment on it so I can fix it
•Updates won't be constant. I can drop a oneshot at any time. Think of it as a nice little surprise.
•You can request prompts but I can't give you guarantee that I'll write out what you want.
•Alternative to a prompt give me a title and I'll write something to go with the title
•I'm not a great editor and usually publish with some minor mistakes

1. Guys Who Hit With Sticks (one shot)
Jungkook is in the heart of his city's local punk scene and finds himself connecting with a drummer from an on the rise band. The only problem is that Jungkook doesn't know the first thing about romance but at least he has his art.

2. Have You Ever Read The Cat Who Could Read Backwards? (two shot)
Hoseok owns a bar where a lot of not so fantastic people like to hang out. He ends up in a twisted situation and he winds up meeting Jungkook. When Jungkook compares him to a book character he can't help but smile.

4. Holy (poem)
A little piece of writing about how Jungkook and Hosoek find the light in each other.

5. What Flames Do (one shot)
Jungkook has been acting strange and things take a turn for the worst when he wakes up from the possibly most disturbing nightmare he's had.

6. Christmas Trees (one shot)
I thought it was time to write something more festive. I'm here to give you the tale of Jungkook and Hoseoks first magical Christmas together. Well sorta magical. The only delay is that they can't agree on a color scheme for the tree.

7.Let's Just Take The Bus ride (one shot)
Hoseok and Jungkook met in horrible circumstances. Hoseok in the end of things owes Jungkook his life and Jungkook well Jungkook does everything he can.

8.Dr.Seuss tells us why Jungkook is jealous (one shot)
A drabble of sorts. When Hoseok watches a movie without him Jungkook thinks he might as well whine about it.

9.Suburban Livin (one shot)
Hoseok and Namjoon are the leads in a group of middle class misfits. This group that they have created dabbles in the punk scene, has no problem getting into trouble, and most of all they don't care. Or they're supposed to not care.

10. Changing (two shot)

Jungkook sees the world in colors and Hoseok happens to be many of them.

11. Birds, grapes and more birds

Hoseok has a bird obsession, and Jungkook really likes grapes.

12. Entry's of a psychic something
A light read, not as many words as most of this stuff. The concept is that you're looking at the pages of Hoseok's diary, but I tried to add a twist to it.

13. I guess we both like the smoke

Jungkook is a well-rounded student and star athlete with some really bad anxiety. He usually calms his nerves down by smoking a cigarette. Hoseok is the fairly normal kid. Or at least it seems that way. Hoseok just really likes setting stuff on fire.

14. Sleepover

A short chapter about some one-sided love.

15.Penny For Your Thoughts
(two shot)
Soulmate AU! Every person has the first words of their soulmate branded onto their wrists. When a person dies these letters fade away. People spend their whole lives looking for their soulmate, Hoseok finds two.

16.Wings Killer Pt. 1,2 & 3
Hoseok and Jimin work as one of the best detective teams in the city. There's a handful of dead ends and wrong turns that they find. As the tables keep flipping the two learn that solving the murder is what will keep them alive.

17. Marys Song
Just a simple one shot about Hoseok and Jungkook growing up as neighbors.

18. No More Dream

Jungkook plays piano and Hoseok happens to hear it when he's supposed to.

19. My Pussy Ass Announcement

I talk about my life a little bit and disappear for like 13 months

20. Get The Fuck Outta My Way Pt.1

Hoseok just really likes everything about Jungkook. His music, the way they kiss, everything. Then, well, Jungkook gives him a houseplant

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