Changing Pt.1

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Contrast between the worlds of people always scared Jungkook. It's what made him hold his tongue in conversation.

To Jungkook this was both figurative and literal.

Namjoon was a light green. All the sounds he made where of this green. Jin was a mature shade of purple. Taehyung was a well worn yellow. Jimin light blue, the kind of blue that was on the tip of ocean waves. Yoongi was a raspberry color but on the darker side.

Hoseok didn't have a color. He had colors .

Some days he would go through what seemed to be hundreds of colors, others his sounds where all one solid shade.

Jungkook had never told anyone about this phenomenon after he turned eight. He thought it was weird anyway. His parents thought it was crazy. His teachers didn't believe him.

When he hit high school Jungkook started learning more about all the shapes and colors he saw. It was called synesthesia. The short explanation was that everyone when they are infants are able to see colors, sounds, letters and symbols. Everything has a distinct connection between all five senses. People can see smells, hear shapes. But as people grow these connections are lost.

Some people don't lose these connections. Everyone has different ways that synesthesia is expressed. Jungkook happened to associate the sounds a person made with colors and shapes.

It only happened when he was able to spend time with a person. At a certain point in his relationship with someone their voice would start to create shapes. These shapes would run across Jungkooks vision. It would sometimes get in his way, he spent years trying to control where the shapes went, and how big they where.

He had no success with that control until halfway through high school when he learned that if he could zone out, or just find a way to focus very intently a couple times a day it helped ease the shapes in size.

After a person gets shapes, they get a color. From then on all the shapes a person makes are all the same color. Sometimes the color would even cascade around a person. Jungkook got yelled at a lot for staring but he couldn't help it.

The first time Hoseok's color changed Jungkook went into shock. They had been dancing together in the studio. Jimin was trying to find a good song, Hoseok was lacing up his shoes, Jungkook sat on the floor waiting for the music.

He looked up to ask Hoseok about what time they were supposed to met the others at the restaurant when Hoseok's pastel orange was now a bright blue. Blinding blue, the blue that was the caps of fiji water bottles, the blue on the side of the RTD, the blue on the bowling alley carpet, the blue of the pepsi can, the blue of a spring dusk.

Jungkook sat with his eyes ready to be scooped out, his chest felt like it expanded past the shell of his body. He couldn't breathe.

Jimin made a quick joke about the ridiculous face Jungkook was making but ran over when he realized that Jungkook really couldn't breathe.

As soon as Hoseok had heard the concern of Jimin he turned to face Jungkook.

In this moment of Hoseok's intense rise in panic Jungkook was able to see his color change. The blue went to a hue of saffron. It was comforting and warm, a very inviting color.

No matter the beauty that came with the fading of one color and the start of a new one Jungkook still lost to his now full blown panic attack.

Jimin and Hoseok sat trying to console the youngest. Jungkook felt ready to puke, his stomach was convulsing, tears fell over and out from his eyes, he clutched at the sides of his shirt until he lost the feeling in his hands.

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