Wings Killer Pt.2

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A/N:This is kinda choppy and rushed but whatever I tired. Hope y'all are alive and doing things dead people do✨✨

Jondande and Minseok had literally handed over possibly the biggest clue that had ever made it's way into the Wings case.

It became apparent that Jungkook wasn't a clean cookie. He was yes a genius with computers, he was payed to gather information, cover others trials and an array of other illegal biddings. He was an information broker, possibly the best the city had. Which meant he probably didn't go by Jungkook every where else.

Now the detectives were trying to track not only Jungkook and his life, but the life of the alias he had created. First things first they needed to find out what that alias was.

Minseok and Jongdae weren't aware of what Jungkook was doing. No one knew. Jungkook wanted insurance on his work, his way of doing that was giving his friends at the gas station a book of passwords,notes that didn't make sense, doodles of complex patterns.

It would have been extremely helpful if Jungkook hadn't hid his computer. They searched the house for a whole day trying to find any type of device that the passwords would be useful for but nothing turned up.

That leaves Hoseok and Jimin in the abandoned parking lot next to a boutique that was on a busy avenue in their city.

A taco truck has set up four picnic bench style tables in the lot, there's fairy lights strung overhead between the lamp posts. The parking lot feels cozy in the middle of a city that swallows up anything decent.

Three teenage girls sit at one table giggling about a boy named Trevor, a couple argues over which young Christain Slater movie is the best, and then there's just our two detectives.

"I don't get it. Where the fuck was he doing all his work then? Hoseok these are obviously passwords for a computer or something!"

"We spent the whole day searching for a laptop or a computer or even a fucking iphone, there has got to be something else that all of the shit in this book goes to."

Jimin sighed and angrily went back to eating his tacos.

"Why is the gas station the only connection we found?"

"It could mean a lot of things Jimin. It could mean that the killer lives nearby, that he works close, that it's where he picks up victims. It was a lucky shot to. Who knows."

Jimin cocked an eyebrow and lowered his fist on to the table.

"Who knows? Hoseok you and me are supposed to know! We have jack on this case so far."

"It's just this all feels... it all feels like dejâvuu. Jungkook and his house all feels like I've been there before. Especially today when went to search it. That day were there was a dead body in the kitchen I didn't feel it but today I did. Still do."

Hoseok popped open his coke can and took a hearty gulp.

"You've been there before?"

"I'm pretty sure I have I just don't know when or why."

Jimin lowered his head down and whispered to Hoseok.

"Are you fucking murdering kids?"

"Jimin! You ass! That's not it! I'm going back there to figure it out, you stay here and eat your tacos."

Jimin satisfied that he had made the two of them laugh let Hoseok go while he finished his food.


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