Out of my fucking way Pt.1

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Yoongi was flipping through the papers he had taped to his oh so precious clipboard. He carried it with him everywhere he went. Last year Hoseok gave him a variety of stickers to tack on it when Yoongi's half birthday came around.

They would have been touring during Yoongi's actual birthday and having a party earlier made sense. Hoseok always envied Yoongi for the way he found comfort in just a few people. Hoseok liked the booming feeling of hundreds of people in a room.

He thought maybe it reminded him of the stage. These were all just thoughts though. What mattered was that Yoongi was still flipping through the papers and the longer he did so the angrier he got. Hoseok was still hungover from the night before and had absolutely no energy to deal with this type of thing.

With his raincoat hood flipped over his head and his sunglasses on inside the venue, he turned over in his seat to try and ignore the bubbling problem.

"See the venue capacity and the ticket sales don't quite match and I don't want my guy Jung Fucking Hoseok to look like an asshole. So either get your boss down here or let me keep yelling at you!"

Yoongi was an aggressive manager but it's what Hoseok needed. As Yoongi would often point out Hoseok was a bit of a pushover when it came to just about anything and everything. Hoseok never took offense to this because he knew it was true. Anyone could tell you that. 

Yoongi took a seat next to Hoseok and let out a deep sigh. It's not that Yoongi liked acting like this it just turned out that he was really good at it. He needed that extra grit to make it in this industry. Hoseok was the biggest act that he was managing. He didn't have room to mess this one up. 

"You going to tell me what happened last night?"

Yoongi was teasing Hoseok and Hoseok didn't like it one bit. 

"Fuck yeah, I wanna talk to you about last night. First off, who the fuck does that Jungkook guy think he is? It's not right."

They both grinned at the fake childish persona Hoseok was putting on for the two of them.

"That means you think he's hot right?"

"That's exactly what I mean Yoongi,"

But the thing was the dangerous thing really. Was that Jungkook wasn't like Hoseok at all. Not in the slightest. Not enough to be in love.

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The party was loud. Hoseok felt the bass in his shoes. Lights from the dance floor illuminated the face in front of him. Jungkook, the up and coming music producer had been clinging to him all night. Hoseok took pride in this. 

Something about having Jungkooks hands trailing over Hoseok's arms as they danced made Hoseok feel light headed. Jungkook was this hurricane of energy. He captured all of it into glass bottles and let Hoseok drink them. Let was the important word there. Because Jungkook was effortlessly cool in the way Hoseok could never figure out. 

The song changed and Jungkook was saying something but Hoseok didn't quite catch it. Hoseok was ready to ignore it but then Jungkook wrapped his fingers around his wrist and lead him into the bathroom. The music even in here was still vibrating the pit of Hoseok's stomach. He could feel it everywhere, in his fingertips, in the strands of Jungkooks hair that Hoseok had his fingers tangled in. 

When Jungkook kissed him back it was like tasting that stupid Katy Perry song about teenage dreams. Because Jungkook was this strange fantasy that Hoseok didn't know he had. He didn't know that someone could be so fatally attractive to him in every way. 

Someone comes into the bathroom and Hoseok pulls back but Jungkook just pushes him into a stall and they continue there. But then they really need to stop because the worst happens. 

The absolute worst. 

Hoseok's phone rings. 

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Jungkook stopped by Hoseok's apartment twice every week to rant about his shitty friends. Hoseok didn't understand why Jungkook kept them. But he did.

"You know, you're the only that I talk to like this"

Jungkook said it while spooning in a mouthful of mint chocolate chip ice cream so to Hoseok's understanding that meant it wasn't important. So Hoseok took it that way. Hoseok talked to a lot of people this way but Jungkook mattered the most. 

Jungkook was an infatuation. He was unexplainable. He took pictures with Hoseok and he went to the movies with him and he bought him a nice house plant once. 

The houseplant died when Hoseok went on tour. 

So did Jungkook.


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