Ever Read The Cat Who Could Read Backwards? Pt.1

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Hoseok had regulars at his bar. With a location like his a person would be wary. He took residence with his bar in the shady part of town. Low rent and strange people were the perks that Hoseok often pointed out to Yoongi.

Yoongi was a regular costumer who came in to guzzle down whiskey. He would come and complain to Hoseok about how he was soon going to change professions from a "personal delivery man".

A "personal delivery man" as Yoongi called it was just him being hired by the local gangsters to lug around their garbage. This garbage ranged from stacks of cash to dead bodies.

Another regular of Hoseoks was Taehyung, the neighborhoods personal loon. Everyone knew to be polite to Tae who had his hands dipped in every part of the cities dirty business. He was known to take any job, at any risk as long as the pay was high. The strange thing about Tae was that whenever he and Hoseok had a conversation Taehyung didn't seem like the psychopath everyone painted him to be.

Then there was Jin and Namjoon. As far as Hoseok knew they had some weird romantic relationship. Weird because Jin owned a high end hotel in the classier parts of the city and Namjoon was known for robbing people in the smoothest of fashions.

Jins past was still a mystery to most but Hoseok knew that Jins actual name was Seokjin and that lead to another story entirely. Everyone knew that Namjoon was a genius and staying out of his way was a good idea because one wrong move and he'd already have planned out how he was going to jack you.

As for Hoseok he liked to consider himself something along the lines of the cites number one informed man. The people that went into his bar weren't the people you would ever want to meet outside of his bar, because at least they were drunk when they were at Hoseoks place. Which also meant that Hoseok got to hear some things that in most cases were better left unsaid.

Which means new comers at Hoseoks are widely regarded with caution. Because you never know what kind of freak is going to walk in.

It was a Tuesday, the traffic of people in the bar was slow. The lighting came from the three strips of large green fluorescent lights that ran along the walls of the bar. There was a total of five booths, a large one in the far corner of the bar.

Hoseok couldn't find it in him to entertain himself so he sat with his elbows perched on the counter top.

The door opens and Hoseoks three costumers all turn to look at who had just walked in. Hoseok hasn't seen this guy before so he keeps to his only speak when spoken to regime.

"Hit me with some vodka."

The guy moves to take a seat at the counter and Hoseok gets to work pouring him his drink. Hoseok soaks in everything he can about the man so he can try to analyze him.

He's wearing black skinny jeans, he's got a leather belt with a nice buckle that Hoseok can't get a good look at, he's got a black hoodie that's loose and big, there's a sliver chain around his neck. There isn't much Hoseok can get from just his attire.

Hoseok passes the man his drink and reaches to get the cleaning rag from under the counter when the stranger speaks up again.

"Are you Hoseok?"

"Just so happens I am."

The man nods takes a drink from his glass and then looks back up at Hoseok. Hoseok realizes this guy is a few years younger than him and might not be even allowed to be drinking but Hoseok doesn't card people.

"My names Jungkook. I was wondering if you could answer some questions."

Hoseok thinks that maybe the guys a cop but cops don't drink in front of people their trying to question, and cops that work out in the street like this don't question people this openly either, cops obey.

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