Guys who hit with sticks

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Jungkook should have known Jimin was going to be late. Whenever Jungkook went out with the guy he was always at least ten minutes late.

He couldn't exactly blame Jimin though. Jimin was the ultimate merch guy. Most bands in their city could only pull so much of their own weight and that's where Jimin would swoop in with his magic ability to make pins and patches in record time.

Jungkook pulls out his lighter from the zipper pocket of his leather jacket and whips out a cigarette as well. Jungkook didn't smoke often, he usually only lit one up when he was alone anyway. There was always someone to point out how god awful smoking was. Jungkook knew it was bad. But the smoke reminded him of home and it made him feel warm.

"Oi, Jungkook!"

Before Jungkook turned around to face the voice that had called him, he took a long drag and let himself slowly be submerged in smoke.

Jungkook had been posted outside the entrance to the Glitter Dome which was the cities resident punk hot spot (or at least that's what Jimin liked to call it).

The Glitter Dome was located in a cluster of factory plants and the building itself look like some sort of warehouse. The outside of the Glitter Dome was nothing but oddly placed gravel and muddy puddles of water from the recent down pour from earlier that day.

Jimin and another guy that Jungkook didn't know finally reach to where Jungkook was standing.

"Hey, Jungkook this is Hoseok he's a friend of mine."

Jungkook gives a small smile to Hoseok and then turns his attention back to Jimin.

"You're friends with everyone Park."

"And you're not cool just because you called me by my last name."

Hoseok giggles at Jimin and gives him a light shove something that Jungkook considers flirting.

"Hey I gotta get inside or else Yoongi is going to kill me. It was nice meeting you Jungkook."

Hoseok bounds off in a slow jog into the Glitter Dome. Jungkook takes note of the tattoos that Hoseok has littered on his skin and he hopes he sees the guy again so he can ask about his ink.

"I can't believe you guys haven't met yet."

Jimin pulls Jungkook back into conversation.

"What does that mean Jimin?"

Jimin sighs and slings his arm over Jungkook as they take up a slow pace to the entrance.

"It means your favorite band right now is the one Hoseok is in. It also means Hoseok is drummer of said band and I know for fact that you got a thing for guys who hit with sticks."

"Well I have a few things to say about what you just said. One, are you trying to set me up with the drummer from the Cyphers? Two, Hoseok was totally not interested in me and three please never refer to any drummer as 'a guy who hits with sticks'."

Jimin and Jungkook would have continued with this banter but they were interrupted by the sound of the performers on stage coming to life.

"How you motherfuckers doing tonight?"

There can't be more than two hundred people shoveled into the Glitter Dome but the chants and screams that emit from the crowd seem to rattle the very core of the earth.

"Well guess I should introduce ourselves to you guys huh?"

The crowd gives another cheer and Jungkook could only smile because there's no other place where he was ever going to feel so alive.

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