Surburban Livin

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*Unedited and mildly cheesy, read with caution and care

Middle class, good looking, two happily married parents and two wonderful older brothers for Hoseok to look up to. So why the hell did he end up obsessed with punk music, why did he end up dying his hair a million different colors, why did he end up getting a tattoo in Namjoons garage?

There is only one simple answer; Hoseok is being Hoseok. He can pin point the exact moment he knew what he wanted to be when he got older.

It was a Sunday, his mother and him ventured off to the grocery store. Hoseok was still young enough that he was allowed to ride on the side of the shopping cart.

"Hoseok what kind of-"

His mother stopped talking when three men whom couldn't have been older than twenty loudly made a appearance in the aisle.

Two of them kept pushing eachother back and forth, the third one was intently staring at the cereal selection next to Hoseok's mother.

The two that were horsing around had tattoos, piercings, their clothes seemed to have been pulled together from different closets. Hoseok wanted so badly to talk to them and ask all the questions that where bubbling up in his stomach.

Hoseok's mother recovered from her initial shock of the men's appearance. She then asked Hoseok what cereal he wanted.

"Get fruity pebbles they taste good when you squish them all together!"

The man who was kneeling and looking at the cereal as well laughed.

"I was thinking the same thing kid,"

Hoseok's mothers mouth thinned into a straight line but Hoseok paid no attention to that, he continued making his rather kiddish conversation.

Hoseok's attention was on the man's mohawk. It stood a good six inches from his head and it was a obnoxious shade of green.

"Can I touch your hair?"

What ensured was a good five minutes of Hoseok playing with the studs on the men's jackets, letting the tips of his fingers touch their hair and his questions where non stop.

"Why do dress like this?"

"We're punks"

Hoseok was sold. His mother wasn't though.

Fast forward to Hoseoks life in highschool. His parents had given up trying to "control" him. He wasn't a bad kid really. Minus the occasional party where he would smoke or get drunk. That wasn't awful though, he'd seen kids do much worse.

In freshman year of high school he finally came to terms with something. He was gay. Gay as fuck for that matter. Breaking that to his friends was harder than breaking it to his parents.

Mostly because his parents had figured that out long before. The reaction he got out of them was just a shoulder shrug and his father asking "Yeah? What else? Wait...did you think we didn't know?"

Hoseok had even asked his mother for advice on how to break it to his friends. She suggested just being blunt and honest getting straight to the point. Figures as his mother was on the police force.

His mother may wish her youngest son was a bit more formal but her real concern for him was how the law would treat him. She had first hand experience wwith people who were targeted by the police because they were dressed like "punks" or whatever the hell it was called these days.

She often found herself defending her son to officers down at the station and the mother's at school meetings.

Hoseok's way of coming out to his friends didn't go as planned. He pushed it aside for almost a whole year.

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