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okay so like in 7.0 i said meanie was together okay in that chap meanie was faking their relationship and mingyu had a small crush on wonwoo but i also liked mingyu, same goes for wonwoo but with jun in 17.0 meanie got together like they confessed their love for each other


"Minghao... have you ever told someone you loved them?" I mumbled, Minghao and I were strolling in the park at ten in the night. He paused and stared and asked me,"why do you ask..." I shrugged my shoulders and we continued walking.

We were walking by the river when he suddenly stopped and he clutched his fist,"My first love you, takes me back to when I was fifteen. I was stupid, it may have been three years ago but I was young and stupid. I had a girlfriend, I forgot her name but when I said I love you to her she said she was going to break up with me because she found out I was bi curious..it was really painful cause I did not know if I was straight or bi and yet she broke up with me. Well then, the next time we met was in school, I told her I was straight. She got back with me, our love was not a lie. Until she started treating me really badly, I was used. She had so much sex with other boys. That was the first time I said love you... I've never told anyone this because I thought I didn't need to but I don't know anymore." He then fell to the ground crying, I ran towards him and hugged him."It's okay alright, you have me. Don't cry okay?" I pulled him closer to my chest and wiped his tears with my thumbs.

"Here eat this..." I passed Minghao who was sitting on the bench some ice cream to eat. He started taking small bites while crying. "Shh it's okay... everything with her is over." I patted his back, soon he was done with his ice cream and continued talking,"no Jun! I'm different from others, as shocking as it is it's time for me to come out...I'm gay. I don't know how to feel towards that but I am." He started rambling even more, I looked at the boy. He was talking too much, I wanted to him to stay silent so I took my finger and titled his face to look at me."Whatever I do please forgive me okay?" I whispered.

I got closer to his face, I looked at his sensual lips and before I knew it my lips were on his lips and I started kissing him. I loved the fact that he just sat there, I loved the way his lips tasted. Just like the salted caramel ice cream, I loved it.

When I pulled away he put his head on my shoulders, he was asleep. Maybe, he knocked out from the amount of shock he had? I carried him back to my home bridal style, since I did not know where Minghao lives.

I changed him out into one of my sweaters and tucked him into my bed. I took a shower and place myself next to him, before sleeping, I played with his brown hair. Not forgetting to write in my journal, sooner or later I fell asleep.


im back from the war! i have been having school during my holidays so i was really tired to write but i got a day off today! this chapter is so sad yet cute ah haha also now this book is rated mature strange but yes(?) to that one person out there no kinky things will be happening

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