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"Why are you in my room?!" a boy yelled and pushed me out of my bed,"who are you?" I yawned. "You idiot! I'm Xu Minghao." He yelled me. I then was wide awake, took my journal from under my bed and read the previous entry. I face palmed before putting it back to it's original place. "Please don't ask how you got here or what happened or what that book is for." I groaned. "Can you at least put a shirt on?" He questioned,"no. It's my house, you're not the boss of me." I denied and Minghao rolled his eyes and walked out of my bedroom and I followed behind.

Minghao started looking through the cabinets and I just stood there leaning against the wall looking at the him, smirking at the strange thoughts I had.

He then opened a cabinet where I placed my cereal boxes, he tried reaching for it but failed. It was really adorable and entertaining to see him try. I then chuckled and got it for him, he was most likely flustered before thanking me since he tripped on his own feet. At that point of time, I was smiling away to myself.

He made breakfast for the two of us and there was not really much conversation.

Does he remember what I did last night?

Suddenly I felt something in my stomach, could this be guilt? The thing you feel when you lie? Why do I feel guilty, maybe I should tell him!

I got so sick of the feeling, that I put my spoon down, broke the silence, "okay you know what, it's time to tell you what happened. I s-sort of k-k-k-kissed you yesterday night."I probably just embarrassed myself from stuttering too much. Minghao then touched his lips and soon his face turned red. He then finished his cereal, put down his bowl and spoke. "Junhui, it's time I tell you that I like someone, I know he won't like me but he did something so extreme recently," Minghao then got up and took my hand and brought me into the toilet.

He is grabbing my hand oh my god

"Junhui the boy I like is there, I like him so much that I did not expect him to do anything extreme. I thought he hated me so much. That I passed out in front him last night." Minghao then pointed at the reflection in mirror.

The boy he liked was me?

"Junhui, the person I like is you. No, I don't like you, I fucking love you." Minghao affirmed. His sudden confession and how formal the confession left me blank, how can this adorable guy speak so well and have feelings for me?

"Minghao, I love you so much. It's impossible to declare how much I feel for you." I professed my love in the most formal way and Minghao smiled. I looked at the way his sensual lips curved, and used my thumb to touch them. Then I got closer to Minghao and wrapped my arms around his neck and I started complimenting him,"do you know that you're such a beautiful boy?" Minghao smiled and embraced me, he came closer and closer to me till our lips touched. Minghao then broke the kiss for air and touched his lip again.

At that moment, I wanted to say something but, someone entered my house and that person was screaming,"Hey Junhui! Where is the book you borrowed from Jihoo- Oh! I'm sorry, I'm going to leave now." A screaming Soonyoung just broke into my house, and also breaking the atmosphere of the greatest thing that happened in my years of living.

Minghao laughed at what just happened, then he smiled and hugged me,"babe don't give him the keys next time."

"I love you a lot Minghao... I love you so much"

"I love you too Junhui"


heyyy some eventful chapter here... what would you do if i said this book is going to end here? will you all kill me? HAHAHA BUT NO WORRIES the book wont end yet i have like 0 ideas about what to write about so it may be published way later!!! thank you for reading :)

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