Chapter 6

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I looked around the empty store at all the of the stuff for sale. It was like Santa's work shop in here. I looked towards Zoe as she looked at all her choices. She picked up A frozen set and raised her eyebrow.

"I think I want this one"She said trying to keep a serious face.

"Let's do it!" I said grabbing it. I took it and immediately walked behind her and put it back on the shelf."Whoops looks like we can't afford it sorry."

She smiled turning back towards her options. She picked up a white one with orange flowers on the bottom. She held it out into my face and shook it saying.

"I want this one Gingy." She said in her best baby voice. I laughed as she threw it in the cart. We moved on to the pillows but she randomly put 4 pillows in our cart as we strolled by. It didn't seem like she cared even a little bit. But it was her choice not mine. Now that we got her bed stuff we bought the stuff and headed for the next store. It was the furniture store, we just went there to order a night stand and a dresser that matched it, and lastly a desk. After ordering it I was going to get Liam to come pick us up but Zoe stopped me.

"Nope we're going clothes shopping." She said taking my phone and canceling the call the giving it back.

"Ok I guess we could do that!" I said excitedly.

There was a typical clothes store across the street, so we decided to go there. But before we went there we stopped at the lockers to store the stuff we already got.

We walked into the store and Zoe took my hand and practically pulled into the shoe department.

"We are getting you new shoes and some cute ones." She said admiring all the shoes.

"What's wrong with my shoes I have." I muttered looking at my beaten up converse high tops.

"Do I even have to say it"

"" I said looking at my shoes.

She shoved shoes in my hand. I looked at the heel boots. I was NOT going to be able to walk without tripping and falling on my face.

"Just try them on." She said looking at me happily. 

I sighed and snatched the shoes and sat down on the little bench. I struggled to put in the boots with the heel that was way to high. I tried to stand up but fell right on my face right away.

"Ow my face" I groaned attempting to get up.

"There perfect!" She said yanking them off my feet. She stuffed them in the box and set them in the cart. I got back onto my feet. I wiped off my pants and saw her pick out a couple other pairs of heels.

"Ugh lets just go get clothes." I sighed walking away.


Once we were done getting some new clothes we quickly called Liam.

"Liam can you come pick us up from the town?" I said shivering. "Whyyy is it really that important. Ugh well can you tell someone to come pick us up?"
I hung up the phone and slipped it in my back pocket.

"Whose picking us up?" Zoe asked

"I have no idea?"I said jumping up and down.

We stood there freezing to death before a loud noise came from my phone. I pulled it out of my back pocket and looked at the screen. I answered it quickly.

"Please tell me your coming to pick us up please please pleeease!" I begged.

"Yes yes calm down I'm here but where are you?"

"Uhhh by Cool Beans kind of I mean in that area." I said into the phone.

After a few minutes later I saw Noah's car pull into the road in front of us. We instantly ran to the side of the car and jumped in.

"Thank you Noah" Zoe and I both said.

"No problem." He said smoothly.

I smiled and was excited to get home and be in the warm house. But my birthday is only in 10 days, December 22nd. Yes 3 days from Christmas. See even my birthday isn't even at a really special time. Right next to another big event. Great!

Hey yo. How are yooou? That's awesome. Soooo whose watching the game. Let's hope we can just beat the Cubs and not give them the chance to take the crown from under our feet. If that made sense to you guys, I'm proud of you. Well I'll see you guys later.
Bye bye

Go Tribe👍🏻👍🏻⚾️⚾️❤️❤️❤️💙💙

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