Chapter 11

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I kept quiet for the whole ride, what's with him? Was he mad at me? I had no idea.

As soon as he stopped the car, he finally speak.

"What's wrong?" He asked.


I rolled my eyes and opened the door then slammed it. He was mean to me, then literally asks me what the hell is wrong with me? The right question is what the hell is wrong with him!

I heard him groaning before I slammed the door. Before I opened the front door to my house, I heard a door slammed as well.

"Stephanie.. Wait.." He said rushing up to me.


"I uh.. I had fun.. Toda- I mean.. Yesterday and yea.. Maybe we should uh.. Do it again sometimes and-"

"What are you trying to say Edward?"

"I uh.. Maybe I erm.. Take you to the campus tomorrow?.."

A smile grew on my face.

"Yea. Sure" I said and he smiled.

"Alright then, see you later. I guess" He left.

I quickly rushed to my room not wanting to wake my mom up cause it was literally 3am. I closed the door behind me and jumped to my bed.

I summarized what happened yesterday night. I starts to smoke, I drank a lot, I had fun. Then my mind replayed Aaron who was begging me to forgive him.

What should I do?..

I shook my head and wear my pajamas, wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I jumped on my bed then fall asleep slowly.


"Morning" I said as I took a bowl then poured yogurt then copped some strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and almond flakes. Then I made some hot tea.

"Oh G'morning honey" My mom said and sit down next to me with her tea.

"You're happy now huh?" She raised an eyebrow and I giggled.

"I guess so" I said through my little giggles.

"So? Who's the lucky guy?"

"There's no 'lucky guy' mom" I rolled my eyes. But she gave me that 'reallyy?' look but I ignore it.

"Mom?.. How did you meet dad?" I asked her. Sure enough that Mother and Daughter needs some serious girl talk about boys right?

"Well it starts when we were teenagers. To be honest, I did have some feelings with your dad but I was too afraid to admit it to myself. And on one day, when we were in collage, your dad and I starts to hangout together and everything went really well. But something keeps pulling us into fights which I don't know how. In the end he apologized to me, then we starts to hangout again. I was that busy girl who always care about her studies and your dad was that guy at school that you can call as a jock. There were a lot of big differences between us, we've been through a lot of hard times because that's what life's all about. When you found that special someone, be sure to get ready for hard times that you have to face with. Because you can't control love, love finds it own place and you just can't deny it"

I stay silent for awhile. So my parents almost had the same problem as me.

"So.. Moving on, what makes you so happy?" She asked placing her mug on the sink.

"The shops have their fall/winter collections already" I lied.

"Really? That's great! I'm looking for a new sweater! We should go together later!" She smiled and I just nodded.

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