Chapter 13

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Erhm. #Starry ;)

I opened my eyes and I heard someone snoring. I moved his hand from me and stretch myself. I scanned the entire room with my heavy head walking slowly to the mirror, I looked at myself. Messy hair, red lipstick, and dressed like a total bad girl.

I scanned the entire room to look for my plaid shirt but I couldn't find it, I flinched as my heavy head starts to attack my head. Hate you headache.

I went to the kitchen to get some pills, I poured some water into a glass then drink it as well with the pill.

"Steph?" A deep voice said behind me.


"Could you hand me some water?"

"Sure, here you go"

It took me about a minute to realize that he called me 'Steph' for the first time. Then I went back to the bedroom to take a hair tie. I saw Edward who was sleeping on the bed in peace. He looks kinda cute.

Wait what

If Edward is sleeping right there in front of me, then who was...


"Hey" A deep voice said right behind me, I turned my head and yep it's totally him.

"Hey Harry" I said tried to pull a smile.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Um yea, thank you for asking" I said and went to the kitchen.

"Oh okay then"

"So.." I starts as I turned on the stove.

"How's Anne and Gemma?" I asked trying to break the awkward silence.

"They're doing good actually, how's Theresa and Troy?"

"They're good," I said and break an egg then threw it on the trash bin.

"Steph.." He said, a bit disappointed.

"What happened between us?"

"What do you mean?" I asked without looking at him focusing on the pancake.

"Once we had a truce, something just pulling us into fights"

That's true.

"I want to start over Steph, so I can show you that I can change. I will change, just for you"

"Please? I've known you since we were 16" he said standing next to me.

I didn't answer for a moment or two, I just don't know what to say. This kind of situation always killing me.

I've given him way too many chances and well he breaks all of those chances.

"Believe me, no Michelle, Regina, nor Aaron. Please?" She stepped closer closing the gap between us.

"Just don't hurt me again. I'm warning you Styles, this is the last chance that I give you" I said with a smirk.

"I will sure do, love" He smiled and kiss my cheek which makes me to blush but I look away.

"Erhm.." Someone faked a cough.

"Oh G'morning" I said looking at Edward who was shirtless and I can tell he was pissed.

"Hello Edward" Harry said tried to be as nice as possible.

"Harry" He said.

I placed down two plates, two pancakes for each plates.

Then I took out a yogurt and eat it.

"You're not going to eat anything?"

"Nope this is enough" I said and I finally found my shirt and wear it buttoning them up I heard the twins are getting along much better than before.

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