Chapter 2

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I needed a break, I needed a long break to get away. I didn't know where to go, I couldn't go back home to Ireland, my family wouldn't be expecting me. I was supposed to be gone for another three months. I had no one, the one person who I truly thought was there for me is gone, he doesn't want anything to do with me.

I sat at the airport watching the planes taking off and landing out the large window. I turned off my phone, I didn't want to see any phone calls or text messages. After buying a plane ticket I walked around LAX, I watched families and couples trying to get everything sorted out for their trips and business people chatting on their phones. I walked alone dragging my suitcase behind me.

"Plane 1184 to London is now boarding" a loud voice called from the intercom. I made my way towards the gate. Once I handed the lady my ticket, I headed to my seat. I didn't tell anyone but Paul I was leaving. It took a little persuading but he finally gave in. I couldn't tell the others, they would've prevented me from leaving. I left a note by my bed just in case they needed to know.

The plane finally arrived and I looked out the window, the sky was dark with only the bright lights of the airport lighting the way. I pulled out my phone and it was bombarded with text messages and phone calls.

I read each text message but ignored the phone calls.

Harry: Niall, where are you?

Louis: Niall hello? Why aren't you answering?

Zayn: We're getting kind of worried can u pls call me or any of the boys to let us know you r ok?

And then the one I didn't want to read.

Liam: you know niall, I understand u r hurt but u can't just run away. All of us r worried, stop being so selfish.

I blinked back the tears and put my phone back in my pocket. I had no clue what Liam's problem was, he's the one who wanted to break up. Besides, I left a note, if he truly cared, he can find everything in my letter.

I headed towards the luggage claim to pick up my suitcase. Paparazzi started running towards me, I didn't know what to do. When this happened I had Liam to hang onto. No ones here with me. I pushed through the crowd of travelers, escaping the paps. I grabbed my bag and rushed to the taxi outside.

"368 Stanley Dr. please," I told the driver.

I stared out the window watching the night life. I missed London, it was nice being in LA but I really missed London. The boys were supposed to be home in a week before we set off to Japan.

The driver pulled into the driveway of my flat and I handed him a 20 before getting out. "Thank you," I said. He nodded his head and drove off. I fumbled for my house keys as I headed up the steps.

The house was cold and dark. I threw my stuff in the corner and crashed on the couch. I began falling asleep until my phone started buzzing. I pulled it out to see who it was.

It was Liam.

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