Final Chapter

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Niall's P.O.V.

Zayn was at the door within minutes, "Niall? Ready to go?" He asked as he slid his phone into his back pocket. "Yeah, I'll come back in the morning to get the rest of my things," I answered, hauling a large suitcase down the stairs. Liam sat on the couch crying into his hands.

"Niall, please don't go," he sobbed. I just shook my head and continued to the front door. He looked at me with his sad eyes which were almost unbearable, I wanted to run back to him, I wanted everything to be ok again, but I can't trust him anymore. I shook my head once again and followed Zayn out the door.

He wrapped his arm securely around my waist and lead me to his car. "Everything will be ok, things will get better," he whispered in my ear. I nodded and sat in the passenger seat. Images of Liam's sad, vulnerable look flooded my mind. I held myself back, as much as I wanted to run back into the house and lay down with Liam, I stopped myself.

Zayn climbed into the driver's seat and started driving off to his flat. "Niall? You ok, bud?" He asked glancing at me before focusing back on the road. I nodded my head and rested my head against the cool glass.

We pulled into the driveway and Zayn carried my bag up the steps. "Home Sweet Home," he sang as he walked in. I smiled a little and took off my shoes.

"You can have the guest room, make yourself at home. I'm going to bed, see you in the morning and if you need me, you know where my room is," Zayn explained before kissing my head and scurrying back to bed. The house was large but lonely. It was quiet, nothing like Liam's flat. Liam's flat was always full of music and light. I wiped away my tears and walked to my temporary room.

A queen sized bed leaned against the bare wall painted a navy blue color. I jumped onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through twitter. I wasn't in the mood to do anything, I placed my phone down on the night stand and climbed under the duvet.

Just as I was about to shut my eyes, my phone lit up and started ringing. I grabbed my phone blindly and answered without checking the caller ID.

"N-Niall? You answered," a voice hiccuped on the other end.

"What?" I said a little harsher than I intended on.

"I miss you so much and I need you to know I love you." Liam sobbed. I stayed quiet for a few seconds before responding.

"Look, Liam. I want to forgive you, you know I want to but I can't trust you anymore." I said,"You lied to me, you told me you would be here forever, you told me you would change, you told me you loved me."

"I know Niall, and I do. I do and I always will." I didn't know what to say. Liam's voice was hoarse and I wanted to go back so bad. I wanted to go and tell him I'm here and everything will be ok.

"Niall, just please come back." He cried out. I closed my eyes and held back the tears.

"No Liam." I finally said,"I'm tired, good night" I hung up the phone and buried myself under the blankets. I finally fell asleep but it wasn't long before I was awaken from my slumber by a terrible nightmare. I laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, too terrified to move.

I slowly slipped out of bed and scurried down the hall. I stood outside Zayn's door and slipped through the narrow opening.

"Niall? You ok?" Zayn asked, his voice full of sleep. I didn't answer, I couldn't find my voice. "Come here," he said, patting the empty space beside him. I ran to him and crashed into his chest. "I-I miss L-Liam," I sobbed, my tears staining his black vneck.

He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead. "I'm here for you Niall, it's ok. Just go back to sleep, ok?" He cooed into my ear, rocking my softly. I shook my head and pulled away. "I have to leave, Zayn. It's all my fault! I have to leave now!" I cried, louder. I ran out the bedroom and threw on a pair of trainers before sprinting out the front. I ran in the direction of our flat, not stopping, not even to Zayn hollering behind me. I ran the whole mile back to the house. I bent down over my knees to catch a breath as I approached the door. "Liam! Liam!" I called, banging on the door. Headlights were pulling in down the street but I kept hitting the door, begging for Liam to answer.

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