Chapter 11

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"Niall,Niall,babe, we're landing," I heard someone whisper into my ear. I opened my eyes slowly and sat up. Liam looked at me and smiled,"Good sleep?" He asked. I nodded my head and rubbed my eyes, my vision was hazy. "W-what time is it?" I asked, stretching my arms over my head. "Around midnight," Liam answered. I looked over at the other three boys who were still asleep, except Zayn. He focused his attention to his phone. He felt my gaze so I quickly turned around.

The plane was finally on the ground and at a stop. I stood up and grabbed my backpack from above. The rest of the boys grabbed their belongings before we walked out. It was dark and quiet outside. The security guards guided us to the our own separate, well besides Liam and I.

We said goodbye to the other three, well except Zayn, he ran off to his driver. "Ok, bye," I said as he walked off. He just ignored us. "Bye lads! See you tomorrow." Louis said as he ran after Harry. I waved one last time before jumping into the warm car. The drive was short considering we only lived about ten minutes from the airport.

Thoughts raced through my mind, part of me wanted to call up Zayn and tell him how sorry I am for everything but the other half was pissed at him. I sighed and rested my head against the cold glass window. Liam touched my arm reassuringly and I just nodded.

Our car came to a stop and we were finally at our house. "Thank you," I mumbled to the driver and stepped out. "Goodnight," he said back and with a little wave he was off. "Home sweet home," Liam whispered under his breath as he fumbled with the keys. I stood beside him waiting for the door to open. "Hey Ni?" Liam spoke. I looked up at him. "Are you ok? You seem out of it," he asked. I didn't mean for him to notice. "Yeah, good," I answered, I smiled at him and walked inside. He sighed, not buying my answer and followed me to the bedroom.

I threw my trainers off and put on a pair of boxers. I climbed under the covers and closed my eyes. I didn't want to stay up tonight, I was tired and I had too much on my mind. Sleep was relaxing, I felt like I could away from everything. Liam laid beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I decided not to fight him off, I was too tired.


"Stop! Get off of me!" I yelled, I backed into the corner of the dark room. I hugged my knees and rocked back and forth hoping the monster in front of me would go. "Don't touch me!" I shouted, my lungs felt like they were closing on me, it felt like the room was shrinking.

Tears began streaming down my face, he got closer to me, his brown eyes glowing in the night. His once soft brown eyes now glowed a dark, evil brown. "You fucking disgust me," he spat, he got closer and I could feel his breath on my neck.

"D-don't touch m-me," I said trying to create more distance between us. "You are not Liam! Stop!" An evil, crooked smile formed on his face as he bent down in front of me. "I....don'," he laughed. He rose his large hand above his head, preparing to hit me. I couldn't do anything anymore, I couldn't move and just when his hand was about to make contact with me face, somebody woke we up. I was shaking, my face wet from the tears.

"Shhhh, Niall, it's ok." Liam cooed pulling me onto his lap. "Get off of me!" I shouted, struggling in between his arms. He held me down and I couldn't move. "Stop! Let me go!" I shouted, I began sobbing. "Niall, a baby, tell me what's wrong. Did you have a nightmare?" He looked at me worriedly. I couldn't look at him, I didn't want to look at him. I finally stopped struggling and collapsed into his chest. My loud sobs slowly turned into soft sniffles. Liam was rocking back and forth trying to get me to calm down. "Talk to me, Niall." He said. I didn't want to talk, I couldn't. I had nothing to say, I didn't even know what was happening.

"You're a fucking monster," was all I could say. His arms loosened and I fell onto the bed. "W-what?" He asked, Liam looked hurt and confused.

"Nevermind, I-I'm sorry," I mumbled, snapping back into reality. "Niall? Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. ", I just want to go back to sleep. Sorry for waking you up," I whispered and curled back into the blankets. "Oh Liam?" I said before he fell asleep. "Y-yes?" He stuttered. "Can you promise me something?"

"Anything," he answered.

"Please can you promise to always be the liam I know and love. Don't ever change." I said before falling back down onto the pillow.

"Of course, why would I change?" He asked, confused.

"Never mind," I said and closed my eyes. I was awaken by a Liam's soft sobs. Panic flooded through me, what have I done?

"Liam?" I called out, I turned around so I could face him but his back was turned towards me. "Are you ok? I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I'm fine, Ni." He smiled wiping away his tears. He flipped over so his face was centimeters from mine. He looked me in the eyes and smiled. His eyes were red and watery and I didn't know what to do. It was my fault. He gave me a small smiled and kissed my forehead. "I will never change," he whispered and ran his fingers through my hair.

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