Chapter 7

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"Come in! The water's fine!" Louis yelled, waving his hand at Zayn and me. Harry was already wading in the pool, his hair dripping with water.

I grabbed Zayn's hand and pulled him to the water. "Niall! I can't swim! Remember?" He shouted. "Oh yeah, sorry." I apologized, releasing his hand. "Do you want me to stay with you?" I asked.

"No, it's ok. Go have fun." He smiled, I rubbed his shoulder before chasing after the other two. The water was cold but I got used to it. I jumped as a splash of the freezing water hit my back.

"Harry!" I yelled, swimming over to him to do the same thing. He clutched his stomach as he laughed, Louis laughed behind us, I looked over at Zayn who just had a smile on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him and he grinned even more.

"You're gonna get it Styles!" I shouted before I began splashing him. After about 15 minutes of playing around in the water, I got out and dried off. Zayn wrapped the towel around my upper body and the four of us sat in a circle on top of the large beach towel.

"What do you lads want to do for dinner tonight?" Louis asked, popping a grape into his mouth. "Up to you guys," I answered, my eyes wandering to the familiar hairstyle down the street. I watched the person carefully, I wasn't sure if it was who I thought it was.

"Niall? Hello? Did you hear us?" Harry asked, poking my cheek.

"Oh sorry, I thought I saw something," I answered, shaking my head.

"I said, do you want to get take out or go to a sit down restaurant?" Harry asked.

"Um takeout is fine," I answered. I tried looking for the person once again but I couldn't find them anymore.

"Ok, let's go. Is pizza ok? Or do you want Chinese?" Louis asked.

"Pizza," Harry replied.

"Pizza," Zayn also agreed.

The four of us piled back into the car and drove around downtown LA in search of a pizza parlor. I kept thinking about the person, I swear he looked like Liam.

"Niall, are you ok?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just tired," I smiled, trying to convince him everything was alright. Zayn just wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and closed my eyes. I missed to feeling of laying with someone, I missed the feeling of having Liam beside me.

"We have arrived, boys," Louis announced as he pulled into a crowded parking lot.

"Why is it so busy?" I asked.

"Hmm I don't know, probably because it's Saturday," Louis answered.

"I'll go down with Lou, you two can stay in the car if you'd like," Harry offered and I nodded my head. Zayn agreed and the two of us sat in silence, that is until I broke it.

"Zayn?" I asked.

"Yeah, buddy?" He asked looking at me.

"Why did Liam stop loving me?" My voice cracked and I held back my tears. The car was dark and I could barely see Zayn's facial expression.

"He never stopped loving you, Ni. He just hasn't found his place yet, he doesn't know what to do." Zayn explained, gripping my thigh.

"W-what do you mean?" I sniffled.

"I mean Liam doesn't know what he's doing and he will soon regret it. He needs time to figure himself out before trying to figure out a relationship." I let the tears fall, I didn't know how to respond, "Ni, please don't cry," Zayn pleaded wiping away my tears with his soft finger.

"Thank you, Zayn," I cried.

"For what?" He asked, giving me a puzzled look.

"For being there for me. I don't know how I can go through this without you guys, especially you, Zayn." I said burying my face into his shoulder.

"Don't make me cry, Niall." Zayn said, I felt his lips on my head.

The silence of the car was soon interrupted by Harry and Louis singing at the top of their lungs, each one carrying a box of pizza.

"Pizza!" Harry sang, I laughed and we were on our way back to the hotel. Louis parked the car at the back entrance so we could sneak in without getting noticed. It was dark out and it was getting cold.

The four of us walked up to the room and opened the pizza boxes. "Dig in!" Louis shouted. I grabbed four cups and poured each of us some Pepsi. "Zayn?" I asked after swallowing the bite of pizza.

"Yeah, Ni?" He asked.

"Can you come with me after to get my stuff?" I answered.

"Sure," he said and continued eating. I was a little nervous of going back to the room. Part of me wanted to see him but the other didn't. I tried to eat as slowly as I could, dreading going back to Liam's room. Zayn already finished his food so he sat and waited. "Um Niall? Why are you chewing so slow?" He asked. I felt my cheeks burn up,"sorry." I ate faster then put my paper plate in the trash.

"Ready to go?" Zayn asked. I nodded slowly.

His phone began to buzz. "I'll meet you there ok?" Zayn said before talking into the phone. "Hi, mum."

I slowly walked out of the room and made my way down the endless hallway. I cleared my throat, my heart was beating so fast and my head was throbbing. I reached for the door knob and slowly turned it.

I wish I hadn't, I wish I turned around, I wish I didn't see anything. Liam was in his boxers and a girl, the girl from my nightmare was stripped down to her bra and panties. Liam jumped up when he hear the sound of the door click. My mouth hung open and my eyes felt watery.

"N-Niall, I-I can explain," Liam shouted. I shook my head,"No,no don't!" I shouted back. I turned around to run away but I ran into Zayn. "Woah woah, what happened?" He asked, hugging me tighter.

"No,no don't go in there!" I cried, I began sobbing, I didn't know what to do, what to think. Zayn walked forward and saw a half naked Liam and mystery girl.

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