Chapter 5

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We pushed through the crowd of screaming girls once we arrived at the hotel. I held onto Liam's arm as he guided me to the door.

"Liam marry me!" A girl shouted from behind, I glared at her before making my way through the glass doors.

Liam took me to his room and I placed my things in the corner. "Hey Li, what movie do you want to watch?" I asked cheerily.

"Oh I have to go somewhere right now, I'll be back in about an hour ok?" He told me. My heart sunk and I just sat down on the couch.

"Oh ok. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked, looking at him with a cold stare.

"Sorry, something just came up. I'll be back," he said before walking out. I sighed and flipped through the channels. Why didn't he tell me? Is he hiding something. It was getting dark outside so I went and threw on my pajamas.

I decided to sleep for awhile, it wouldn't hurt to pass the time. The dark engulfed me, I fell into a deep sleep. A figure in the distance walked towards me, it kept getting closer and closer. I watched as the figure began to form into a person. I couldn't move, my feet stuck to the ground. The person in front of me turned out to be a girl, as she got closer I noticed her silky brown hair flowing over her shoulders. She looked very familiar but I couldn't remember who she way.

Five steps, four steps, three steps...

I counted down the distance between the two of us. She smirked at me as another person was pulled into the darkness. A very familiar brown eyed boy, Liam.

"Liam!" I shouted, but he couldn't hear me. I shouted some more but he didn't notice. His eyes stayed fixed on the girl. She pulled Liam closer and kissed him. I was forced to watch, it was like some devil was holding my eyes open. I tried to run but the woman figure reached out to me with her long arms that were becoming inhuman like. She pulled me all the way to Liam who was not laying lifeless on the ground. "Liam!" I shouted and fell to the ground. I kissed his face over and over again pleading for him to wake up.

I looked up at the woman and I could see her face more clearly now. She laughed a high pitched evil laugh, her eyes were shut and drops of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth. A star was tattooed on her wrist and it looked so familiar. I focused on Liam and notice two puncture wounds on his neck. "Wake up Liam!" I shouted some more, shaking him awake. I rested my ear on his chest but he wasn't breathing. "No!"

I ran towards the woman and tried to push her down but I went through her.

"Oh Niall, silly boy. He doesn't love you. Silly, silly little Niall," she laughed.

How does she know my name? What is she talking about?

"Niall, Niall" she sang us she faded into the darkness. "Niall."

"Wake up," a voice ordered in the distance.

I sat and watched as Liam, my Liam was sucked into the ground. My body was shaking, I rocked back and forth as my name echoed in the distance.

My body was shaking uncontrollably now and the voice was getting louder.

"Niall! Wake up!" I opened my eyes and Liam hovered above me, worry filling his eyes.

"Are you ok? What's wrong?" Liam asked. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "You're ok!" I cried and kissed him over and over again. He laughed and hugged me back. "Did you have a nightmare?" He asked pulling me down on the couch beside him. "Yes! This evil lady with brown hair and a star tattoo killed you and told me you didn't love me anymore and-" Liam kissed me and told me it would be ok, it was only a nightmare.

I rested my head on his arm and Liam wrapped his other arm around my waist. I looked at him, studying his expression as he slept. I didn't ask him where he went, I was just glad it was all a dream. I watched as his chest fell and rose after each breath, I placed my hand over his heart and felt his heart beat.

I noticed a pink lipstick stain on the side of his neck, the same spot the evil woman bit him. I gasped. Where was he? Who kissed him?

"Liam?" I shook him awake, "Liam."

His eyes fluttered opened and he looked down at me. "Yeah babe?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"W-what's this?" I asked pointing to the side of his neck.

"What?" He asked rubbing his hand over the spot I pointed to. "This lipstick stain," I choked. His face stiffened and he froze. "Um it's nothing," he said, I can tell he was lying. He rubbed it off, only smearing it.

I stood up and watched him. "Liam where were you?" I asked, anger was boiling up inside of me.

"Answer me!" I shouted,"you know what? Don't answer. I don't think I want to know. Just leave me alone. I'm going to bed." I wiped away the tears and stormed off to my bed.

"Niall! Come back!" He shouted. I ignored him, I fell on the bed and sobbed. How could he? I thought we were- Nevermind.

He knocked on the door but I just ignored it. I wrapped myself in the duvet and cried myself to sleep. I don't know what to do anymore.

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