Chapter 6

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I guess I had fallen asleep for the night, I woke up at around 8 AM. I ran my fingers through my tangled hair and threw on a pair of shorts before walking out of my room. I looked myself over in the mirror and my eyes were red and puffy from crying the previous night.

I heard the microwave ding from the kitchen so I made my way inside, stopping when I saw Liam. He looked at me with a sorry look and gave me a weak smile. I just looked at him and walked out of the room.

"Niall let's talk, please," he said breaking the silence.

"What's to talk about?" I asked, I wiped my face with the sleeve of my hoodie and coughed.

"About us, about last night. Please Niall. I want this to work out," he explained putting his left overs on the table.

"Liam, I don't know what to say. I have nothing to say. I'll listen but don't expect me to talk," I answered, sitting down across from him.

He looked down at his lap and cleared his throat. I crossed my arms and waited for him to begin speaking. "Well?" I asked.

"Niall, look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave last night. I really didn't. I'm sorry ok? The lipstick, that was nothing. It was a meaningless kiss. I didn't even do anything back." He started.

"How am I supposed to believe you, Liam? I don't know if I can trust you anymore. I hate to say it but I don't know if I can," I interrupted. I took a sip from my water bottle and continued to listen.

"Niall, please. You can trust me, I know I'm in the wrong but can we just drop this?" He asked. Anger boiled inside me.

"Are you serious? You go out a fucking snog some chick and you expect me to just drop it? Well think again!" I shouted, storming out of the kitchen.

"Ok Niall! Fine! I don't know how to apologize! I am sorry! I shouldn't of gone-"

"Where did you go anyways? You never told me! What were you hiding on your phone yesterday in the car? Please explain cos I'm lost, I have no clue what is going on!" I interrupted him once again. I brushed the bangs off my forehead and crossed my arms.

"I went to see a few old friends. We- I mean they got drunk and it-" he started explaining.

"So you went out and got drunk while I stayed at the hotel. After you told Lou and the boys you didn't want to go out?!" I was even more pissed now.

"Look I'm sorry Ni!" He held back tears.

"Don't fucking call me Ni!" I shouted.

"I meant to stay for a little bit but then they pressured me into drinking. I was going to come back, I did come back! I woke you up from your nightmare remember?" He said. He sat back down and the chair and looked at me.

I rolled my eyes and thanked him. "Thank you! Now please, I'll be out today, hanging out with the boys if you don't mind. Care to join? If not, fine. Bye." I grabbed my phone and a jacket before storming off down the hall to Louis, Harry and Zayn's room.

I knocked loudly until someone answered the door. I was greeted by a smiling Zayn until he saw my angry expression.

"What's wrong, Niall? Are you ok? I heard you guys arguing. Do you want to talk about it?" Zayn asked bringing me into a hug.

"Not now. Can we just go out, is four boys and do something. I need to get away from...him," I spat.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on in, I'll let the others know." He said, pulling me into the room. I sat down in the main room and flipped through a magazine.

Harry and Louis came out of the room with Zayn trailing behind them. "Niall? Is everything ok?" Louis asked opening his arms to give me a hug. I just shrugged and hugged him. "I heard the two of you..." Harry added before stepping into the hug.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Harry asked, rubbing my back. I wiped away my tears and looked at them.

"I-in the car," I sniffled. They smiled at me sympathetically and nodded. "Want to go to the beach, boys?" Zayn asked. I nodded my head and we packed. Once we packed a bag with sun screen and other beach necessities, we piled out of the room. "What is Liam going to do?" Harry asked as we passed by the room. "Don't give a shit," I spat and quickened my pace.

The others just frowned. We got in the rental, Louis being the driver and Harry in the front seat while I sat in the back with Zayn. I looked out the window, trying to distract myself when Harry cleared his throat. "Do you want to tell us now?" He asked. I sighed before opening my mouth to speak.

"Yeah. Last night, he went out, without me. He didn't even tell me he was going out he just said he had to do something and that he would be back within an hour. When he did come back, he laid with me on the couch and I noticed a pink lipstick stain on his neck. So I questioned him but he didn't answer so I went to my room and locked the door. I fell asleep for the rest of the night. Then this morning, we got into an argument and he started saying that it was a meaningless kiss and he didn't kiss back and blah blah," I was getting furious just explaining,"he tried to apologize but I wasn't gonna take it. I was so mad, he lied to me and he expected me to trust him. I just left, I told him I would be with you guys."

"Well, maybe he didn't mean it, I mean maybe he really does feel sorry," Louis said from the divers seat. I stayed quiet. "Do you want me to speak with him, Niall?"

"I don't care anymore, Lou. If he really wants to break up then fine, I'm not going to try." I fought back the tears forming in my eyes. Zayn rubbed my thigh with his hand and hugged me. "It's ok, Niall. We're on your side. Trust me."

I smiled at them weakly and rested my head against the glass. "Thank you, I knew I had the best mates in the world." The smiled and I closed my eyes.

I fell into a slumber but was awakened when I heard the three boys talking.

"I feel so bad for him," Harry started.

"I know! I swear I'm going to rip Liam to pieces the next time I see him," Zayn spat,"shouldn't play Ni like this. I know Niall really loves him."

"He can remember this the next time he gets played," Louis butted.

Before we knew it, we were pulling into the beach. It was sunny out and the water looked cold. "Ni, wake up," Zayn whispered, shaking my shoulder. I rubbed my eyes and stretched before taking off my seatbelt.

"Ready for the beach, lads?" Louis shouted.

Harry and Louis ran ahead, I was about to run but Zayn grabbed me by the shoulder.

"Niall, do you want to bunk with us?" He asked.

"I don't want to crowd up the place. It's ok I'll be fine back in my room." I said.

"You won't Niall. I don't want you to go back. I know Liam will be furious if he ever found out you told us. Please just stay with us." I looked at him for a few seconds before responding.

"Fine, but can I get my belongings out of there when we get back?" I asked. He rubbed my back before responding, "Of course."

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